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90s Toons made me gay. I said it, all those oversexualized men with gargantuan pecs, massive arms and tiny heads. I watched a lot of shows just for the few seconds of glorious beef lol

So, a while ago I made these. Rycel and Murphy in toon form. I tried to keep that old school style while leaving room for the huge badonkadonk cuz, reasons

Hope you like it!




Love it 😍


What were the names of those shows, which characters? Just out of interest.

S Munson

This is so great, I love this! I know exactly what you mean about animation with cool muscle skin. I was coming to terms with my sexuality all the time. I loved cartoons and when muscle men came on I was all drooling. If they were in a swimsuit, Score! More skin to pop my eyes out at! I can't remember now any of those cartoons, just the memories.


I don’t know about you, but this looks merch ready to me! 😉😁