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News! ...............I'm turning on charge-up-front !
They made the feature make sense, so I'm turning it on! Plus, it's permanent! idk why they made it permanent, but it sure is now forever on!
I made an arbitrary promise to myself that if pledge dodging consistently added up as high as my mobile phone bill, I'd turn it on, in case you wanted an explanation that made sense. :V
It was a hard decision to make, and I even delayed on doing it for about 3 months. it's been going on for longer than that. idk. I still feel weird about it, but I already hit the button, so it now is the new standard. I haven't seriously considered raising the entry fee above 1$/month yet because support continues to generously rise.
Thank you for your patience.

/// : - ) ///

Anyway! Art post!!!! ART ART ART.

Lotta different things! Tails Type stuff kinda started trending so I shifted gears toward that! And my scanner died! But I still have a phone camera so I was able to at least get the Bigdad suit up and stuffffffff. Still working on HD version of the Tails thing, a preview of which you can see there in the gallery!
Thank you so much again and I hope you enjoy what's more to come!

The zip, as usual, is merely a mirror of the gallery. 




who pledge dodges a dollar


God i love these~ Thank you for sharing.


Is there a tails rouge suit with the bulge and the titties? They seem sold separately :c


Working on it! I didnt want to post the set yet because the HD versions arent done, and I wanted to add a few more +sizes to the HD versions


Completely valid to charge upfront, glad to hear it!


Gah, I love Tails.


You really making me want to draw tails😔

Reiku Yin

Yikes. People not even willing to throw a dollar? Coffee cost more then that. If you're that cheep maybe you should worry about other things then seeing art.... No skin off my back tho. Great stuff. That blaze based off anything?

Samuel Albert Mell

Screw people dodging pledges. Don't pay, don't get. This is a perfectly good reason to turn on up front charging.

Kai Masamune

Jesus just shove the cock down my throat why don’t cha lmao


I’ll take the one with the big tits and fat cock


A $1 charge upfront isn't unreasonable.


Images 4 and 6 are awesome, thanks for the work.


I mean, I don't think we're affected by the change anyway are we? We're already paying. Or are we all going to get charged for this month at the end of the month, and next month at the beginning of the month and have to pay double?


Can't believe people pledge dodge you, the quality and amount of content you put out for just 1$ is amazing!


Ooh Aeris looks sweet <3


Even $1 is too much for some people huh? U:




Some of it is bots. They subscribe to literally every patreon and pull files down. I am mad it got for that much!!


damn, tiddy tails hittin right, whos the one with rogue saying wife wife wife btw?


I see no reason to not pay a dollar for great content, and likely once i have more to spare i will do more xD as someone said, best value patreon there is. That said, best quality too, slosh and enthiccen all the wives :V


Yahhh, it's such a pain because it's like "I know" but then I feel bad for half a year and delayed it until now. I'm happy you support my decisions tho! :O


Yeahhhh. Before I was kinda ok with it because I was operating on the idea of Free Samples, but I started noticing dozens of the same names, several of whom still felt obligated to backseat my creative decisions.... So it started to finally wear down my patience! Blaze isn't based on anything in particular. I just kinda went wild with the fashion


At first I was operating on the idea of Free Samples, because I like to be fair and tried to give people the opportunity to see if they liked my work! And I'm ok with people not returning after deciding it wasn't in their interests. But my patience started to erode after several of the repeat dodgers still felt obligated to backseat my creative decisions haha.. D:


Yaaa I know! And so far it has worked out and I think it's still on a good path forward. :0 I think it's completely fine and gives everyone equal access.


hahaha oh dear. Well. Let's say it is shoved respectfully. :V


Thank! I'm glad you enjoyed those ones, which, if I can count, are Blaze and Tails Pilot. :0


The double-charge thing is supposed to be an old problem! I dont think Patreon's FAQ lied to me before I made the change. :V And in case there is a problem I can spend the billing cycle day processing refunds haha... Wheeee! I don't think there's cause for concern for once! :o What good luck that is!


I understand when people just arent into the content and don't return, but yah, these were repeat dodgers that still felt somehow obligated to backseat my creative process... and it wore down my patience! D: I'm just happy I have so many people supporting me with this already @_@;


Yahhhh, it is sometimes, and it's understandable in some cases, but I've definitely had people be Too Honest with me over the Principle behind their decision where it was like. Like Im totally ok with people who just arent into the direction Ive taken and stuff, but sometimes people are like.... "I am literally doing this to put negative financial pressure on you" and those are VERY RARE and special instances. But yah! I'm just happy that so many people have been so patient with my output so far. It really is starting to feel like it's approaching something I might call relatively stable?? It's strange and exciting.


Sometimes there are bots, but the majority definitely arent. :V


Yaaa love that fox. With Rouge is Vanilla The Rabbit, the milf bunny


Yahh! I just hope it stays exciting for people! Waifus for allll


Makes sense to charge up front. Buying all the gro gel for your ladies can't be cheap.


I feel like such a cheapskate paying only $1 when you give so much fantastic art. So I updated it to $3. Being a patreon of you for 3 years. So it was time to up it a bit :D You deserve more. But I guess the $1 also feels like even more can help you on Patreon. Anyway, always loved your art and keep up the wonderful work!

Actual Bastard

Alright! Get that bag, lad!


I just read that, seriously? Man. That's horrible. People are so entitled.

Perry Beans

People dodge over $1?.. That's quite disgusting tbh, you're probably the most consistently posting artist I'm supporting on Patreon AND you have the lowest possible pricing on a single tier too. I can't even imagine.


Sorry about the scanner biting it! Man, didn't realize so many assholes were dodging out. Might have to up my pledge again. Excellent pics. Monch that ballgag.


I juuust woke up and dang! Thank you so much! As ever, I do appreciate this, but make sure to take care of yourself first if you ever get into a financial crunch! Food is important and stuff! 8) Thank you thank you again!


Yaaaa, the scanner super-died. At first I thought it was only the power adapter, but it was *both* lol. But yah, new one's on the way, hopefully it doesn't suck. :V


Yahhhh idk. Like at first I kinda get it, but then I was seeing the same names pop up, some of whom still felt obligated to backseat my creative decisions. D: So yah! That's the reallll reason I started feeling my patience erode. haha.


Happy to help one of my top favortie artist in someway :3


*Crosses fingers for such* Also hasn't that scanner been dying for a bit, now?


whaaaat! No way, it was totally fine the entire time! haha. <_<;

Mecha Kaiju X

Tactical Tailsko <3 w <3


Is that Aeris from VG Cats!??