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Naoki wandering the halls of the expansive GRO factory.

I've decided to kind of make it into an abstract setting, a weird impossible space, and to combine 90s FPS level design into it sort of. Where there's a bizarre amount of temple/ornamental areas in addition to purely-functional areas.

Im more into it being a kind of broken aquarium, where they sorta.. Just build around the containment breaches.

Naoki has become a mysterious figure themselves. Mostly because um. Nao has been cloned thousands of times. So any inherited memory, recorded or copied, has become more and more distorted. It's a rougher impression of itself, until it's become a kind of blunt parody of itself. It's difficult to describe because if it wasnt obvious already, I'm making it up as I go along. But dont' think that's too silly, since a ton of authors do that too. :V

Anyway! Ya.




honestly this is all real good stuff and it really vibes with me.


I hope you have fun with your setting and original character donut.


Good moment o3o


Need some bigger lip options


Wandering the facility, looking for other Naoki clones to pump up larger. :3c


Naoki is basically an SCP at this point. I'm digging it

Samuel Albert Mell

Big peen plus big balls plus big bust equals very sexy.


It's fascinating to watch the concept of the GRO factory be assembled in bits and pieces as you bolt on a few ideas here and polish some other concepts over there.


One day an early clone of Nao will wake from a stasis tube and wonder who this weirdo running their facility is.


Nah, I like that idea. Too many body shifts and you start to lose touch with reality.


I really dig that idea, the it’s almost like an eldritch factory with itself It seems reminiscent of 70’s sci fi, the colour palette and oppressive atmosphere


I'm really enjoying the world building that we're getting in addition to the excellent tidd here


It turned out to be an extremely interesting combination