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All versions of the image are included here for convenience and to make the server use even more data than ever.

The rough sketch (the 2nd draft) is included, too. 

This picture extremely got away from me. The temple took probably longer than Rouge to complete because 

1: My references for the temple were sort of moderate resolution so I missed a lot of details in it. I still dont fully understand the shape of the temple, but it was taking so long that by that time, I started to improvise instead just to get it done with.

2: There is a LOT going on with the setting holy crap. The water is basically crystal clear. There are islands, there are clouds like crazy. There's just so much complexity in the landscape.

Also her shirt is wet and she's having a good time :)




Omigod this is so full of positive, warm energy. This is good summer content.


Great job on the outline of her package, And her outfit and wings are so colorful, I love it!


That wing membrane is cool as hell. Where can i get a pair of those kicks she's got?




Heh. Rouge the aqua-bat. I like it. The crazy amount of detail you manage to pack into your works is another thing I've always admired, Snao. All these little incidental details bring the character and the setting to life. It's amazing and it's wonderful. Thank you for bringing us another great work of art.

Actual Bastard

"her shirt is wet and she's having a good time" warms my heart, really.

Reiku Yin

I was wondering about the shirt kini top thing in the rough, now it makes sense. This is so warm and positive and happy, Just a feel good image even with the erotic stuff in it. Makes me miss the 'blue sky feel' of old games. Everything now a days is always trying to be so drab and gritty or creepy. Need more o of this happy vibe, more so now a days. Thank you for this and for sharing.


Hnnng I love the colors and those shoes looks epic. Amazing job


The background looks gorgeous! Makes sense why it took so long to craft it. And she looks amazing as well, I especially like the watermelon earrings and accessories. <3


Outstanding work Snao, that is one badass piece indeed.


I really like your bg work,its really really wye grabbing


I'm not sure which I like more, that this is some great TnA and a nice deck, or the awesome and vibrant coloration. I'm honestly leaning towards the colors.


Goddamn, everything about this


re: splashcation bat pic I use references for the BGs and also really dont work on them until the character is done.. which might sometimes be a mistake! Sometimes you want the background to be the thing the character fights against, instead of the other way around.


re: splashcation bat pic Yah, I tend to have to color-correct a looooot since I lean toward lower contrast, lower saturation colors at first. :O


re: splashcation bat pic Glad you really really like everything about it! I think it's one of my better pics somehow! It was definitely a challenge and it took some extra time there @_@ but I think it was worth??


re: splashcation bat pic Yahhh! Thank you very much. Rouge is a badass character even tho she's so luxurious and stuff at the same time


re: splashcation bat pic Yahh, those were originally gonna be more like "lol watermelon chaos gems do funny themed powerup" but then just became accessories.


re: splashcation bat pic Designing shoes is both fun and frustrating! Cuz there are some designs that are popular that I just don't like, and some that feel somewhat like cheating since 90% of their appeal is graphic print on cloth slipper type stuff.


re: splashcation bat pic Yah! Sometimes lineart doesn't make ANY SENSE without tones or heavily modifying the line weight and this was meant for color anywayyyy so I didnt stress the lineart. This might not make sense entirely to read... But it made more sense in the color vs lines comparisons :V


re: splashcation bat pic Sometimes it's the simple things, like being wet and jumping around some videos game level :V


re: splashcation bat pic Sometimes I need to reign in the detail a bit, and I did a bit here even though it didn't QUITE save time... but it still worked. I think? Maybe. And yah, the aqua bat wings. I like when people modify her wings a bit to be more uh. More of a fashion element.


re: splashcation bat pic I dunno where to get shoes like that! A lot of running shoes / running sneakers can be similar-ish toh


re: splashcation bat pic We love to see a Tubular Bulge on a hefty thigh


re: splashcation bat pic Yah! I'm not sure where the positive energy comes from within me, but at least bat has it by the extra gallon to share out!


Yeah, the background, the water effects, the intensity of the colors, everything is pretty mindblowing