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The actual imagesets are in the attached archives. PNG is in .7z smaller JPEG is in .zip.

This is the result of Ankha discovering something new that she enjoys. Perfect fruit don't sparkle just because they look nice. The land was polluted with GRO+ to the point that the orchards started producing it. With simple refinement scaled up to an industrial level, the growth chemical was developed into a far purer form...

Is it important to you to have JPEGs alongside the PNGs?

I'm asking because this is a lot of extra tedious work that can add an extra hour to assembling the fileset.




I would be fine with just the PNGs but I guess some people wanna save up space? Also I love the idea of GRO polluting plants and nature in this sorta way. Kinda what I had thought to have happened on Straw's farm. :>


Just PNGs are fine o.O

Ramzyuu Caelyn

Don't see the point of JPGs anymore honestly. For artwork at least.


Gosh <3 The pussy expansion set has to be my favorite of all time pussy expansion. The detail is perfect and the maximum is immense! I don't think I could ever stop being a fan of the way you do it!


love the hyper pussy body cock lips amazing work snao


I don't see the need for jpg files either.


PNGs all the way, begone outdated jpgs! D:


Okidoki! PNG it is. What did you think of the image set?! :0


More for PNGs! What did you think of the set of images? :OOOO


Dang, that's a glowing yelp review for hyper pussy


PNG PNG PNG then! :0 What did you think of the growth sets?


PNGS = Fine What did you like about the image set btw!? :000


PNGs, because we can always resize them to our contentment! As an individual who has hyper-fixations on Shrinkwrapped Spandex Skindentation and Fabric Strain & Stretch, not to mention Ultra-Puffdome Nips, V-Panty Hip Hugging, and adores Ankha and super shredded muscle Amazons, this is one of the finest works of art you've ever produced. I love every tier of her Breast Expansion, and the colorplay you get from that juicy, luscious sapphire tone on her soft, expanding erogenous zones just knocked me out. Bravo, SNAO. I love it.


Yahh that's the stance Ive taken on PNG originally too, and feel like will persist. Well Im glad that the slot machine of topics landed together for once! :0 Jackpot. Thank, Delita.


I can't gush enough, the wait was more than worth it. The rich color theory and tight lines all over this thing release dopamine into my brain all on its own, before I even lose my composure in Bitchy Muscle Queen Kitty perfection. The enveloping kiss & stretch of her micro bra caressing and containing her unstoppable areolas in Stages 1 and 2 are some of THE best nipple/textile interaction ever drawn - I care about this more than most, so I'm not guessing when I say that. Your instinct and passion for micro-tension feathering and color differentiation in service of making stretchy, undersized sexy bikini cling is divinely inspired. Mwah~!


Sorry I couldn't comment on them earlier, didn't have access to my pc :D I mostly like benis and breast expansions (not related to your work, just personal taste!) and I like them a lot! And being a lover of egyptian styles and mythological figures, it pushes some additional buttons to me ♥


OH NO I FORGOT TO SAY O: Image set is great, I also like the 'previews' pic because it shows all the edits.

Ramzyuu Caelyn

I like how she's got special clothing designed to contain hypersize bits. Always fun! :3


Well gosh! That's definitely a strong sentiment. Planning these things out is always so hard lol. All for the big ballooms


Yah! It's difficult to accommodate all tastes, but that's why some of the extra stuff is there for sure! And yah, I like the aesthetics of it too even tho I should rly read about it more to make it even betterrrrr since this one. This one is jus Ankha Animal Crossing. Im glad ya like it!


yayayaya well thanks Im glad it's that exciting! :0


Ultra-elastics are important for hyper growth addicts :0


Oooo I see. And yah, this is more of an environmental disaster than an intentional farm.. but then it kinda... became one anyway!!!

Mecha Kaiju X

Very nice! Also yea just the PNG set is fine ^^


Oh I can't say I'm really documented about the myths either, I just enjoy how people interprete and give life to these figures 🙂. I didn't even realize Ankha was from Animal Crossing, I never played the game!

Fenoxo Fenfen

I'll just file these away for eventual flashification... even though nobody uses flash anymore QQ


Yah. RIP flash. I already downloaded a local copy of it to open old files lol lol. Newgrounds has its own flash player apparently??? For back-compatibility. But yeah lol. RIP.


Whichever gives the best quality. Storage is cheap and so is bandwidth!


PNGs are! Also what did you think of the image set

Liquid Potato

hhhhhhhhhhhhh WOWW. Just ... everything about this is so good. The way she stretches against that spandex as she grows is lovely. That shading too, everything looks so huge n' weightyyy. Such vibrant colour too. Love every single one of those edits by the way, so many very good and very big things to choose from. Fantastic work there, Snao!


You spoil me with the big fat vagoobi.


It's amazing. I loved every different set of expansion and how smooth and shiny she gets. The colour really jumps out too


That's great to hear! :0 And yeah she seems like a gold glittery kind of character somehow