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So far, it feels like the pain related to dental work is less than I expected it to be, so that's good. For example, sleep wasn't difficult.
Will keep monitoring any increase in pain of course, since it's the primary indicator of a healing complication/infection.

Dentist visit was a strange experience. By the time I knew that I was sedated, it was over. I'm just eating yogurt and thin soup so far.

Managing the healing at this point:
It is incredibly distracting to keep clean though. I have to do a gentle saltwater rinse like 4 times a day.

I'll try to work today, see how that goes, and take a day off tomorrow for a little bit for Peach Showtime game, and see how that goes too.

Thank you for your patience and support and such!



hope things heal well.


Hope it goes like my two impacted teeth went and your recovery's a breeze. Hope you don't have four more wisdom teeth like I do, because I'm a mutant or caveman or something. ><

Daniel Kay

Wishing you a speedy recovery, whenever I had wisdom teeth removed things were usually completely fine after a week.