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And we kick-start this next chapter with a quick glimpse into where the mysterious Man in Black came from, as well as who he serves. We journey to his homeworld- or at least his place of origin that we are aware of- where he intends to deliver a message to their master...

He has plans for the Dragonball Universe, as well as one particular individual in it. And that person is Gohan.

Exactly what surprises does he plan to unleash upon our young hero... and what chaos is it sure to bring?

Previous Chapters of the Golden Age Canon:

Chapter 1 (Complete)- https://patreon.com/posts/dragonball-z-age-51405933…

Chapter 2 (Complete) -https://patreon.com/posts/53670523

Chapter 3 (Complete) - https://patreon.com/posts/54542930

Chapter 4 (Complete) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragonball-z-age-61111932

Chapter 5 (Complete) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragonball-z-age-65174667

Chapter 6 (Complete) - https://patreon.com/posts/72546778

Chapter 7 (Complete) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/77807205




Another chapter started, and it’s looking good so far! Let’s see with the next update! 😁👍

Julian Fratzscher

Pg.4 I've seen enough Hentai to know where this is going.^^


*Pg. 2* 😗🎶 not bad for a lair, really emanates that Fear Factor In it’s atmosphere

Chris Cannon

When I saw the tentacles, I instantly thought Cthulhu, then later when I saw the next page…I wasn’t wrong, but I was way off on how I pictured it and wrongfully assumed her gender, SHAME. Gotta say, one of your best spins yet, reminds me of your take on Abeloth from Star Wars and I’m low key getting a Fate Stay Night vibe. Can’t wait to see how creative you’ll be whenever you make doujins featuring her, I’m imagining it already.


*Pg. 3* 😰 Sushi anyone?


*Pg. 4* 😳………..👃🏻🩸 🤦🏻‍♂️ Goddamnit Write


*Pg. 5* Bigger question is are they going to be hungry for the boy? 😏 or thirsty?


*sigh* alright youtube, time to watch "I fucked cthulhu good" for the 4th time today




I know I may be patting myself on the back a little here, but I really enjoy this concept I came up with for The Man in Black group's motivations. Since Lovecraft's creations act beyond human conception and understanding, every one of the beings alligned to this group each act in their own interests, with their choices and actions being neither good or bad. Their choices simply defy our full understanding. However, while most DBZ villains before and after these guys simply wish to become the most powerful or rule the universe in some way, The Man in Black's true goal isn't to rule the universe, since his race exist everywhere regardless of their position of power. They simply wish to feed and that instinctual drive pretty much fuels their every action. That's THIS villain group's primary motivation, if there is any one to see.

Young Josh

Might be over simplifying but they're like this because they're hungry. That's honestly clever, bit like skyrim with the conundrum with how the dragons see mortals.


I have a feeling “meal” and “feast” in this situation don’t necessarily mean their exact terms. Or are innuendos for something else.


Pretty much. Though H.P Lovecraft's intentions were to make his beings completely unknown to humans and beyond their full comprehension, I feel there is nothing wrong with borrowing his concepts and simplifying them for others to understand.



Giorno Giovanna34

Page 5: Great that's another waifu to add to the list

Giorno Giovanna34

Page 7: I saw that look she's going to be in Gohan's harem


You brought Cthulhu into this! your writing skills are impeccable!


I am under the impression there is a webstorie about these events going forward from the creator I just don’t know what order to read them from and where to read it, so if sombody could help me out that would be cool


As far as I know, there isn't really any alternate stories I have done of this. I've done previews of future arcs in the past, but for the most part have just been following the outline of my fanfiction since Chapter 1. The only chapters I have of this story I left links to in this post's description. Check it out.


*Pg. 8* 😅 looks like it’s time for that Breakfast


*Pg. 9* 🤦🏻‍♂️ ughh… God complexes are amazing aren’t they?

Shadow Monarch

Okay just making sure but from which timeline would he be from since there has been a lot more created since the original (original dbs, dragon ball heroes, xenoverse,etc…) there is fanmade once too


He got these from the DBS timeline, so basically he created another timeline where he removed the paradox. lol. He just casually plucked them from the main story to feed them to puppy Cthulu.

Julian Fratzscher

An immortal would make for an endless meal...


*Pg. 10* Finally getting a taste of what it feels like to be thrown off your high horse…..😈 and into the mouth of your own Demise


Question. If an elder god eats someone, are they then sent to their respective afterlife, or is it a situation in which they eat EVERYTHING. Essentially wiping their essence from the omniverse?


Funny how the primordial pre-existence entities still distinctly resemble the human form. Especially since a main point of the Lovecraft mythos is that such eldritch beings completely transcend human comprehension. Is it some sort of trick of perception? Any mortal consciousness that perceives them (including extradimensional spectators like us readers) automatically views them as something familiar in order to protect itself? Or have they deliberately chosen such forms for themselves, for reasons unknown to us? Lol look at me, vainly trying to break down the rationale behind big-tiddy Cthulhu babe xD


You're not far off the mark. Every Eldridge monstrosity assumes forms that we can recognize, because simply gazing upon their true forms would be incomprehensible to us. In order to savour us bit by bit, they have assumed forms that slowly draw out the intense emotions and reactions that they delight and feast upon in slow, delectable doses.


She should've made him suffer more but you can't beat morning hunger lol Also Cthulhu doujinshi in the works?


That whole eating sequence is giving me Monster King Orichi from One Punch Man vibes.


*Pg. 11* 😈 now that’s service with a smile 😊

Giorno Giovanna34

Pg. 10-12 It's always therueptic to see an arrogant bastard get knocked off their high horse.


*Pg. 11 Pt. 2* also, did anybody get the feeling that the inside of Cthulhu’s mouth looks like the inside of the Kraken’s mouth from Pirates of the Caribbean two dead man’s chest?

Julian Fratzscher

On the note of meta jokes with that list, can Nyar hear the narrator?


That guy is like chaotic evil for fun, but still for evil. And I got the strange feeling that this Cthulu wants Gohan for other things


*Pg. 12* Time for the 😙 Second Coooourse🎶


*Pg. 13* 😂 Never would’ve figured Nyar to be an anime fanatic…. 😏 although seeing as they’re acquainted with Rick Sanchez I guess nothing should surprise me now (🫤 I say that but I probably still will be)


Poker with Rick Sanchez, and Haunt Joe Biden?! What kinda cockamamie list is this?

Giorno Giovanna34

So when do we get to see Fasha throw hands with her cursed Time God powers?


*Pg. 13* 🤩 AAAHHH SO EXCITED!!! 😆 Videl in Namekian Gi Picolo’s Style! Floating!! WITH ZANGYA WATCHING!!!! (😏 and Piccolo looking mad/Jealous?)

Benjamin Shklyar

I believe I have asked this before but is gohan in super saiyan? And if so why?. He has already mastered it and if he wishes to go beyond to 3 then he needs more time in ssj2


It's because it's more convenient. In case he gets attacked, he won't have to expend precious time, energy, and the element of surprise transforming. It served him well when Zangya jumped him, and it will when the next enemy comes.


Bruh his list made me laugh way to hard XD


*Pg. 15* 🤔 Huh, looks like she’s a lot better at flying younger than when she’s older, 😊 then again it’s probably because they met at an earlier age😏😏 this time around


It's also been a month since the end of the tournament, so she probably has had a bit more time training with Gohan too. :)


😂 I wonder if we’ll get a reversal scenario from the “Take Flight, Videl” episode 😂😂

Dean Zamp

Zangya about to rizz Videl into an absolute state 💦


Something I’m curious about in regards to Zangya. How old is she? Both physically and mentally I suppose. Obviously the Hera are already an extremely long-lived species by default, but take into account the Bojack’s crew imprisonment. I’m sure there was some kind of stasis in effect that kept them from aging physically, but that aside, we’re they conscious of themselves during all that time? Is there a disparity between Zangya’s physical age and mental age, or was it like cryo-sleep and for her no time passed at all between being imprisoned and being freed? I ask more out of curiosity than anything, the question didn’t occur to me during the arc where the topic was relevant lol


Good question. Obviously when imprisoned, they were in stasis pretty much and mostly sleeping. The Hera also age extremely slowly- being pretty much the space-elves of DBZ if I'm being honest. Chronologically, she would be over a hundred thousand years old. Biologically/physically, she is 131. Mentally, she would be 23.

Dean Zamp

I've asked this as well Clint. This is Write like 2 years ago. "Hello Zamp, If I had to estimate Zangya's age, she's mid or early twenties- being an alien and a quasi-magical being, she's able to live a long, youthful life for hundreds, if not thousands of years without adjustment or effect on her person." In Chapter 4 it says over 100,000 years ago, meaning she was alive then. But we have little detail about her imprisonment besides how it was conducted by the Kai's & where they were located whilst sealed. I'd be curious how much repressed sexuality she has endured if she was awake the entire time. 😂

Dean Zamp

Oh... You replied. Patreon on mobile sucks. So was Zangya 131 when sealed?


My best estimate. She is still incredibly youthful, so physically and mentally she looks to be in her early twenties. So young adult, just cresting over 21 mentally, but being approximately 131, which is young by Hera standards.


*Pg. 16* 🥰🥰🥰 Awwww look at em having nicknames for each other


🧐over a hundred thousand… 🤔131 😕Mentally 23- 😵‍💫 oh no I’ve gone swirly eyed


*Pg. 17* 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊mmmmmmmmm I just can’t get enough of this!!!


*Pg. 17 Pt. 2* 🙂 but I’m curious, where/how did you come up with Videl’s description of her first time flying?

Julian Fratzscher

Finally Zangya can be a big sis again.


*Pg. 18* 🥰 seeing this devout Martial Artist Grow as a GA Warrior warms my heart (😉 see what I did there)


*Pg. 18 Pt. 2* 🥰 also I just can’t stop admiring Zangya’s big an poofy hair (🤤so hot)


I simply took some ideas given to us by the 'Videl Takes Flight' episode and expanded on it here. Goten showed how a novice hovers and wobbles at first upon lifting off, getting used to it and giving the impression of trying to maintain that balance throughout the entire process (before immediately getting it down a couple minutes later), while Videl gave us the grass root fundamentals to how to manifest energy and then project it beneath them to levitate in a directly vertically. There were a few drafts I went through trying to figure out how the other mechanics of DBZ flight worked, and based on how the Z-fighters move while flying, as well as how Goten did it, I figured they simply keep pushing their ki below their centre of gravity, allowing it to push them along as well as perform different manoeuvres, like rolling, pitching, elevating, or banking to sharply change directions.


😆 THATS AMAZING!!! 😁 your incredible Write, 😉 kinda funny too I just rewatched that episode after seeing page 14


*Pg. 19* 😁 she caught on just like that 🫰🏻, now she’s flying around like a graceful little birdy


*Pg. 20* Well would ya look at that, her mom game’s on point here…😅 or I guess I this case older Sister game


*Pg. 21* 😯 such diverse methods of training! 😃 I can’t wait to see more!!!


*Pg. 22* 😁 she is so Spirited!, 😏 my brains automatically picturing how he’ll make things harder for her


*Pg. 22 Pt. 2* 😅 Just to point this out my brain tends to work VERY deviously (😗depending on the day they’re either very tame or highly extreme…..😋 there is no grey area)

Julian Fratzscher

Clever, it not only trains the shifting of Ki for precise AND quick flight, but also allows to gather experience in this new all directions environment.

Dean Zamp

This is honestly so good. I could read Videl becoming a Z-Fighter forever. Whole chapters of plots in between arcs gives GA so much depth. These slice of life sections give me a real warm fuzzy feeling in my tum-tum. ☺️


Geez, barely any warning for Videl. Even after all the character development he’s had, Piccolo still enjoys being *sliiiiightly* sadistic sometimes, huh? Guess you can take the Piccolo out of the Evil King, but you can’t fully take the Evil King out of the Piccolo


lol. It's just Piccolo being a bit cheeky as well. He may have changed, but he's got his own sense of humor now. Hehehe.


*Pg. 23* 😚 I’d like to imagine she gets her concentration and focus from her mother 🤭 Z looks like she’s having fun with this too


*Pg. 24* “CLOTHES BEAM!!” 😄


Are we bringing scientifical explanations back for DBZ techniques? Definitely don't explain how the law of conservation of matter and energy works with a technique that conjures matter out of nothing!


That's the thing. Science can't explain magic, which is why Android 21 wants to get a hold of Majin Buu and why Bojack can cancel out Raditz's body hardening ability. It simply defies explanation.


*Pg. 25* 😂 omg I hope he’s not suddenly emitting the Giant Green Asshole Behavior like “Super Kami Guru” through Nail


*Pg. 26* 😙 no yeah that’s a more natural reaction right there


*Pg. 27* 🥰 Their reactions to Gohan reverting to his Base level’s so cute 🥰🥰🥰 like a little puppy’s peaked interest in a new toy 😏😏😏😏😏😏


*Pg. 28* 😂 More Of That Behavior Emitting Itself!!


*Pg. 29* 😅 i’m not gonna lie even now it’s still a little hard for me to kinda get the concept of magic and it’s fundamentals in the GAU (😌 don’t worry I just need to read it enough times and then I’ll get it eventually) but a couple of other unique takeaways I get from this page are, Zangya’s Teacher game (😃 innnn Magic) and the 😆 CHIBI VERSIONS OF EACH CHARACTER DISPLAYED IN THE BOTTOM LEFT PANEL ARE SO ADORABLE!!!! (😒Except for Bojack…..that dick)


To put it simply, just like Zangya said- "It's a magical barrier that stops cheating bullshit." You know, annoying stuff like poison, toxins, hypnosis, Hakai that deletes you the instant it touches you, that sorta stuff. That's all it really does. The result is as it's illustrated, with Beerus getting frustrated and angry that nothing is happening since the attack defuses the instant it touches the barrier surrounding a Hera.


I appreciate the in-depth explanation for how Zangya’s magic works. Curious though, this is the first time that ‘gods’ besides Kami and King Kai have been mentioned around Gohan, isn’t it? Does this mean we’re gonna get an early introduction to Beerus and Dragon Ball’s greater divine pantheon?


Yes, I have alluded to the fact that other faces may be showing up earlier than expected. Makes the DBZ world feel more lived in and organic, rather than them just popping out of nowhere as the Z-fighters get stronger.


It's a shame that only herans can learn it. It might end up being useful in the future.


Calling it now: Zangya faces a God of Destruction in the future.


😮 ohhh noww I get it, 😋 sorry write it takes me 2 or 3 reads to get a wrap on some Tutorials (😅 it takes me hours for video games before I get past them) (To Write)


😊 maybe there’re some special exceptions out there 🤓😏😎 (To Patrick)

Julian Fratzscher

So that Kago technique is BS-cancelling BS barrier.


Zangya learns to fire it so it can hit targets at longer range to temporarily paralyse and stun their abilities. I established this power, like, two chapters ago, so it is hardly BS. More like a way to balance the power scale in the universe.

Julian Fratzscher

I was less about introduction, and more about that ability being completely insane. Then again, only Zangya (for now) will use it. And they are going to fight beings that can't really be defeated, so ... I forgot what I wanted to say.


My ability is tame compared to everything DBZ has introduced. You know what's even more insane? Being able to delete anything you dislike down to the atomic level, from planets, to stars, to people, to insects, just by pointing your finger at them and shouting Hakai- without even needing an Infinity Gauntlet. Or turning anything into a carrot just by touching them. Or being able to regenerate from dust particles like Majin Buu can. Or being able to turn anything you want into candy like Majin Buu can. Pretty much everything Majin Buu can.


*Pg. 32* Welp... this is gonna take a while. Good luck, Videl! 😅


*Pg. 30* 😙 pfft Compared to Piccolo this Golden Boy’s going easy on the girl


*Pg. 31* 😁 Ayyup they’re a perfect Match for each other, 😉 I hope he tells them about HIS “Training Days” from back when he was a kid 🙂🙂🙂🙂🤭

Julian Fratzscher

Not like Gohan couldn't just use his Ki to enhance/lengthen the blade if really necessary.


Sure. But there is a difference between creating a diverse range of equipment to use and creating just a ki blade. Piccolo's magic does have a great deal of utility potential.


*Pg. 34* 😁 ohohohh this should be good, maybe there’ll be a little refresher course on ……………😈 Dodging ☺️ Also I recognize that quote! 😉from the founding father of the United States Benjamin Franklin


*Pg. 35* Round 1: FIGHT!! *Pg. 38* I wonder what the story is behind 17 and 18 having duplicates...


*Pg. 36 Pt. 2* 😗 ohh? *Bottom left Panel* we have a Spectator in our midst


*Pg. 37* **Top Right Panel** 😍 holy crap it must be REALLY HOT out here…😛 DAYUM!!! **Top Left Panels** ☺️ aww well isn’t that sweet o- !!?… 😯 oh …. 😗 oooohhhhhhhh, 😏😏😏Hehheah Boy **Bottom right Panels** 😲 ohh!? multiple spectators…..wait- “hear thoughts”? “Shut out”??? wuhhh????? **Bottom Left** …………..😳Huh?! 😧WAITAMINUTE WHAAAAAAAT?!!!! BU- HOLD ON THA- AND IF THERES TWO THAT ME- AND THE OTHER MUST B- 😳THIS EARLY!!!? (😏 I’m not really complaining though)


What the hell 18 has clones!?


Only one. Android 21 made an exact duplicate of her in every way, right down to her DNA strands and memories, which they share. This is so that she can have them fuse later into Super Android 18, just like how she has two copies of Android 17 to fuse into Super Android 17. It's my way of introducing the Super Androids to canon.

Nathan Gallegos

I’m waiting for this Videl and This Gohan to Smash and F***!


*Pg. 38* 😯 ooo they got tattoos, smart thinking 🤤 and hot


*Pg. 39* *see’s the note* 😑 somehow I knew you were going to do that


So we got Super Android 17 in GT series, any chance next hot 18 sketch will be Super 18?(full bodied, the little sketch was such a tease). After "reading" the 18's Gratitude dj, was wondering if there were 2 18s to avoid bringing back the "Krillin own count" but with 21 coming into the picture, it makes sense.


I'm a bix mixed with the fact 18 may betray the gang at some point and wonder how 21 is controlling her


In a way, yes and yes. The fact there are two Android 18s provides a lot of advantages for 18 she never originally had.

Young Josh


Jeremy Zachary

There is Yamcha, there is, she just in jail right now.


*Pg. 40* *Top Right Panel* ……🤦🏻😂 shit that’s good *Top Left* 😊 look at em being Bros, must be Krillin’s Cheat day *Middle top right* 🤨 wait…so did she NOT rock his 4 foot world yet?…..orrrr is he just being a gentleman and not sharing those details with anyone? *Middle Left* “Your suck a lucky guy”……🤭… please leave that in there… it’ll be like he’s Covertly bashing him without him noticing *bottom right panel* 😐……😣 Aw man now I’m feeling conflicted! 😖 Damnit Write don’t you dare start making me feel regret for voting Yes *bottom left top* 🙁 oh Yamcha *bottom left bottom* *Sniff* 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 WELP!!! THERE GO THE TEAR-DUCTS!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


*Pg. 41* 😌 Attaboy Krillin keep to the bro code *see’s the ship on Bottom Panel* 🧐 huh…you know if I didn’t know any better I’d say that ship looks exactly like Giru from GT


*Pg. 41 Pt. 2* 😉 BTDubs I love seeing you insert Australian slang through Krillin right there


*Pg. 43* 😃 CAPTAIN UUB!!?!? 😁 OK I know this’ll look and sound completely condescending (😋 and you’d be right) 😆 but I AM SO PROUD OF THAT PRECIOUS LITTLE MAJIN!!! *Bottom left Panel* 😀umm….. 😀😀 did she? 😀😀😀Seriously? 😀😀😀😀 Raise the First 😱😱😱😱😱RED FLAG OF THIS ARC!!!?!?!?


*Pg.44* 😅 I mean not like we all see that this was already going to happen anyway but I was just Hoping it’d be by more 😰 NATURAL AND EXPECTED MEANS THAT YOU CAN SEE FROM MILES AWAY!!! NOT!!! UNEXPECTED!!!!

Young Josh

Rick. Sanchez. Because he probably cheated in poker night.


It just occurred to me I forgot to include Nicholas Cage's name in Nyar's collection of many souls, and I had every intention of adding it. Dang. Missed opportunity for another TFS reference.


*Pg. 46* So the Souls take the form of Skulls…in which case can convert into the form of a mask…wherein transforms Nyarlathotep into said Soul……”Neet”


It's a pretty awesome skillset, which is why I love this villain. He doesn't just become the characters or people he collects. Conceptually, based on H.P Lovecraft's original lore, Nyar IS these people. This implies that these people across every reality and multiverse is an avatar of Nyar that he has assumed for shits and giggles.


Lol. The guy is a fourth wall breaking weirdo and maniac. Having a collection of stolen identities helps with that.


*Pg. 47* 🥺 Damnit….to think of what sad and painful things these women went through. 🥲 but that’s what’s gonna make these 2 good Friends for sure from the shared experiences


*Pg. 50* 🎶His smile fair as Spring, as towards him he draws you🎶 😳!!? I heard that Lyric before…….by the Crossroads…….😨 the “Man of Glass”


*Pg. 50 Pt. 2* 😰 Jesus Write ✍🏻 you sure know how to send a chill down my spine

Julian Fratzscher

Pg 49 Interesting thought there, why weren't black holes used for them?


I should've been specific. They tried putting Scorch in one, but he broke out. They're going to find a much stronger one. I'm gonna adjust thay dialogue. They also run the risk of the prisoners escaping if they tried. Each one is strong enough to escape Black Holes. He'll, even Garlic Jr escaped his.... twice.


I just want to say, I am really enjoying this comic, the more pages I see, the more I see you are really having fun writing it. Like the page that shows all the souls he has, my god! It shows you don't need to be super original to make a fun and exciting comic and I mean it's not like the original dbz series was as all that original itself. It's honestly inspiring, I myself try to be as original as possible with my stuff but struggle a bit but honestly, I feel like that maybe the problem, I'm trying too hard to be too original. I'm just going to have fun and write whatever I want and not try too hard to grasp the audience. Sorry that I made this a bit about me a bit at the end there. ^^;

Giorno Giovanna34

Why did the Man in Black decide to become a movie star? I mean besides the obvious reasons like because he can or he was bored.


The whole cloak full of skulls/souls reveal is alluding to the fact that the Man in Black has and CAN assume ANY identity he sees fit, whether out of necessity, out of a deeper, insidious plot, or because he's bored and just wants to. He's an influencer and an agent of chaos, and becoming a movie star who seemingly never ages kind of fits his M.O, lol.

Giorno Giovanna34

So when he's bored, he often turns into a super powerful midget that trolls Superman? Does his red headed wife whose name I'm not even going to try and pronounce know that he's not really a cocky midget?


Yes. But she doesn't know his real name, otherwise he'd have to eat her too and make her part of his collection. Or she already is. He's such an omnipotent presence that any reality is not off limits to him.


I'm glad to hear this. Having fun is the most important. Just stick to your own rules. That's the key.


“Before there was time… before there was anything… there was nothing. And before there was nothing… there were us.” Ironically enough, I sort of imagined the Man in Black’s voice as Ron Perlman’s. At least when he gets menacing. I like to think that due to his shapeshifting abilities, he can alter his voice however he wants, and chooses which voice to use when he’s either being casual or menacing. Also, Adventure Time reference for the win!!!


I knew someone would get me. Yes, that's exactly what I was going for. The Lych was such a great bad guy- WAY too serious for the innocense of Adventure Time, but perfect for a multi-faceted, reality defying villain like The Man in Black.


Gaunter O'Dimm?

Giorno Giovanna34

Pg. 6: Genderbent Cthulhu is gonna join Gohan's harem once the Lovecraft Arc is over isn't she?


I mean wouldn’t a mere whisper feel like nails on the Chalkboard of your brain and Worse???

Giorno Giovanna34

So what does the Man in Black think of Aizen? Afterall its not like the rogue Soul Reaper is a threat to him.


Nah. He just has him in his collection cause the guy owes him a debt for the power the Man in Black gave him to make him stronger than the other shinigami.

Giorno Giovanna34

Pg. 10-14: So is arrogant weaklings getting killed or humbled in your universe going to be happening on a daily basis? Because I'm sure as hell not complaining.

Giorno Giovanna34

Pg. 14: Is Bofuri any good? Also what did Joe Biden do that the Man in Black feels the need to troll him?