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Woke up to an alert on my phone about suspicious activity with my bank account. Sure enough, someone had hacked my info and used all of my money to gamble, overdrawing my account and leaving me with nothing.
So, after dealing with the WORST customer service rep ever.. things have started moving to, hopefully, get me my money back and a new card/info, etc.. but in the meantime I get to sit here broke and stupid. Fun..

So.. to distract myself from the darkest of self-hating thoughts.. I finished this quartet.

My loss is your gain. Enjoy Becky, Charlie, Erica and Ivanna spending some quality time on Ducky Island. (which is your favorite?)



David Rudisill

They're all gorgeous, great work, Duck! That sucks, I had that happen to me, only instead of gambling, they went on a shopping spree.


I can't imagine what it must be like to deal with that. Something similar happened to me, but I cancelled my card before they could take any money, I hope you can get your money back. Nice picture by the way. If there was a sfw-ish version, I would hang it up on my wall.


Ugh, I’m sorry to hear that happened that’s way stressful! The beach episode is great though, I couldn’t pick a fave but I do dig Erica’s fit 💜