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Thanks for sticking with me while I figure some shit out and get my brain in better working order.

I know the art has been lack-luster and slow going. I'm trying to fix that and get back into full gear.

You deserve better. 



I have been enjoying the arts, nonetheless. Still; self care is of paramount importance!


Even if it's looser and more stream of consciousness kinds of art or whatever, it's still good and it's still fun. Don't sweat it.


No worries here. Your health and well being comes first.

Hammer of Terra

Look after yourself Ducky, we’re not going anywhere 😊


Take your time man. The art isn’t lacking in the least. Everyone has to take time now and then


Lack-luster? Hardly. You're definitely still churning out quality arts Ducky, no need to beat yourself up.

David Rudisill

You're being too hard on yourself. You've been putting out great work.


The brain can be an unrepentant jerk I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble, it isn’t an easy thing. Fwiw I’m truly pleased with the content of this patreon, it’s totally worth it and always brings a smile to my face.

Jon Bliss

Don't be too hard on yourself, m'dude - your stuff is good, I love to see it, regardless of quantity. Take care of yourself, even if you need a proper break to recharge the art batteries!