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Hello everyone! So i've decided what to do on November! I discussed about with someone about this and I will take the rest but still making a few contents. (I probably can't just keep an entire monthh without drawing anyway! =3) so you won't pay a month for nothing!

I will also be finally doing the Q/A in november and also a few other ideas I wanted to share with you guys!

Also thank you so much everyone for each comment in the other post! I've read it all and I totally love you all for being so sweet with me <3



Hey, that's a nice compromise! Can't wait to see what you come up with :3


About November part 3: Nano is still the best :D

Cameron Morris

About November part 4: We love you more &gt;:c 💜


we should stop this nano is gonna die because of an overdose of love xD


Rest nano, or I'll stop loving you

Illia Rieka

I’m glad you came to a decision. We all need rest every now and again. I hope it works out for you. You’ll have my support~! Keep being awesome!


Just take it easy, ty for all your great work, love you :)


No need to force yourself to work if it's affecting your wellness! Even if it's a small amount, work is work and it'd be better to take the month off entirely. Instead, how about giving out one past month's reward to your current patrons? They will still get a month of content that way, and you could give a voucher for a free month to people that already have everything.


Take care dude :)


Rest well Nanoless :)


Just want you to know. We’re here not just because of the art, but you have become a familiar...like a friend.


so don’t hesitate to talk to us!