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Since I've basically finished this year I had to make this! \o/ I'm nooot really sure if I improved in the last months lol....... But i'm pretty happy I guess! xD Basically in general I improved a LOT! ♥

Thank you everyone who supports me, it's totally thanks to you that I could improve so much ;u; You gave me POWER and FOOD! ♥

Hope to keep working hard next year and giving you nice arts :>

Thank you so much Patron! ♥♥♥

(If you want to see my time line it's basically my Hentai Foundry gallery ´ v` )




Thank you for this beautiful year! ^^


Good to hear that you're happy with your improvement over the year, and I'm looking forward to seeing you improve even further


You do amazing work. This may be declared as a year of improvement but I have specific favorites and preferences in each months work. You are great at what you do and have been through this entire year. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us and letting us participate in your work.


I can tell that you have improved a lot over the year. I feel like it's the little things we pick up on over time, that show our improvement.