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Heads up! The tech bug struck again, the first two episodes don't have any episode audio. That issue should be fixed now.

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I know how you feel, whenever Orochi showed up (be it manga or anime) I just wanted to skip to next scene he was not in! 😡 About split Kin'emon, when the chapter/episode came out, so many people were upset that he was not dead either (Orochi and Kanjuro included). I on the other hand was laughing and applauding Oda for the troll move he did! 😂 (About Kin'emon; I hated O. and Ka. surviving) Zoro might not be paleontologist, but Oda has to be, since he knows how Pteranodons hunted their prey and how Brachiosaurus are actully snakes. 🤣

Marcos Paulo

Zoro's like, What is that sound? It's you girl.

F. Carasind

Orochi's survival was already predicted by most of the fans because he had one head left in his devil fruit form. Kanjuro on the other hand...


No, I meant Orochi's survival after Kaido beheaded him. The second time, when he met the Scabbards it was obvious...