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One Piece Reaction - Wano - Episode 1046 1047

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Wano - Episode 1046 1047" on Streamable.



don't misunderstand the sanji and queen dialogue. Queen was not trying to imply that sanji was a god. He was suggesting that Sanji is delusional for actually believing he is 100% human. To be more clear, Queen is implying that Sanji can ignite his leg the same way Queen can ignite parts of his body. There is no relation between king and sanji. also, raizo Vs fukurokujo is unanimously loved by the one piece community for how horrib.. amazing and impactful it was to the story. You're gonna have to learn to love it.


If you recall from way back in Zoro's flashback in east blue, he is from a place called Shimotsuki Village


While the Live Action named it, the truth is that Oda, i.e. the manga/anime didn't name-reveal his village until post-Water 7. I think it's a Mandela Effect that so many people say East Blue named it.