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One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 741-743

Watch "One Piece Reaction - Dressrosa - Episode 741-743" on Streamable.



Sengoku is the reason Garp turned down the Amiral crap XD


Still belive the weird ass animals hanging out with Sengoku to be Govt spy


Vivis father is growing old. She cant just throw the throne as Rebecca did to Viola


Nice thing with One Piece is you can blame all the "bad" storytelling by observation haki


Fujutora does what Fujitora does best


Barto should have had more fighting in this arc. Hes barrier-barrier, what can it actually block how much?


I was reading about Davy Jones Locker yesterday on Wikipedia to see if I could find some theories of One Piece or connect stuff... the only thing I found is that Davy connects to Duppy or Duffy in West-India. I though that was a bit strange, but got no sort of evidence... Then Usopp said Duffy in the second One Piece episode I watched today, I couldn't believe my eyes! It's also in chapter 661. Wikipedia has this to say; The 1898 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable connects Davy to the West-Indian duppy (duffy) and Jones to biblical Jonah: He’s gone to Jones' locker, i.e. he is dead. Jones is a corruption of Jonah, the prophet, who was thrown into the sea. Locker, in seaman’s phrase, means any receptacle for private stores; and duffy is a ghost or spirit among the West Indian negroes. So the whole phrase is, "He is gone to the place of safe keeping, where duffy Jonah was sent to. — E. Cobham Brewer So is Luffy a spirit or ghost? A reincarnation of Gol D Roger? Is his whole name Monkey Davy (David) Luffy? Goa where Luffy is from is smash in the middle of West-India Nika (dont look this up Boom) is also a Hindu name originated from India


You know I laugh more than you and harder than you in the Lufy Fuji fight. Because of the newst chapters.... haha Oda adapts and plan my guy


Fuji is blind. We never seen Doffy, Is he blind?


I made so many comment's I had to lead previous comments


"Don't try to find a reason for somebody's love." - Sengoku :)


"Luffy hit him with that gumo gumo dont give a fuck" that had me in stitches man!