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Glory Hounds Issue #1 has just been released, and it is available to everyone! This is a new visual novel from Echo Project and it’s all about superheroes (and other things too).

Created by Redd, who formerly co-wrote for The Smoke Room, check out the credits to see who else is involved. Also note that the title screen was done by Nikkonator5000




Cool. Will deffo check this one out. Isnt nikkonator the one from burrows?


Will this be under the umbrella of The Echo Project? If not, it's damn decent of y'all to promote Redd's work even though he's moving away from Smoke Room to focus on this. That's real classy of you.


This is an Echo Project visual novel, so we planned on him transitioning from TSR. Redd’s been working hard on GH for some time now.


Just finished reading, the writing and art style brings me back to my childhood days when I would hit the comic shops for the new issues. Looking forward to see how this plays out, though I do hope this is not set in the Echo universe. It's a bit too cheerful for that dark world.


Wow the production values on this are amazing, between the animated portraits, backgrounds, and the stylish comic book backgrounds. Awesome!


I have been so excited for this, and still it surprised me. It's a comic book! It's fun and colorful and punchy! That's awesome, I'm hooked for the rest of this!


Gonna need a lot more of this! I'll be on the lookout for the next issue! Great job!


The music and art direction are really incredible. So much style! Can't wait for the next issue~

jovuan Jackson

I played it and it was amazing it's nice to take a break from horror genre for a change and focusing on something light hearted and funny


This is perfect, it's so cute! I can't wait for for the next issue


Looks great, can't wait to start it! Does it have nsfw content?