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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j996rlz3ydcxy1h/Interea-0.3-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1t3epm5sghv5k5s/Interea-0.3-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k2shv2euvi9lmjk/Interea-0.3-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ekr1s1y3bcwtx18/interea_0.3-release.apk/file

In which you learn about friendly sparring.

With a new sprite set and huge illustration set from Haps. If you like his work, you can support him on his own Patreon HERE.

We also have some new background art from Blacksun in this build, though it is currently a WIP, it should be complete for the public build.

Finally, we have a new track (The Land, The Sea) composed by Anthemics.

Sorry for the long wait. Interea should now be returning to a normal update schedule.

Note: comments have reminded me that I changed a label, making previous saves incompatible. Use the skip function after going into configuration and selecting “unseen text”. That should get you back to the beginning of the new build rather quickly. Apologies for the inconvenience. I’ll take extra care to avoid misnaming labels in the future.




Hyyyyyyyyyype!!!! 😍😍😍


Finally! Thank you for your efforts~




I love you


Woop! Finally, it is time to play it again!


The MAC version of build 0.3 doesn't seem to be working properly. The story when you play the build does not progress beyond build 0.2, instead it ends with the Monitor as before with a "To be continued." In addition, the problems of build 0.2 persist, in that Bjarni's sprites are still missing. I've looked into the game files and the additional assets are indeed there (new character sprites, backgrounds, et cetera) but the game itself won't progress any further from the previous build when played.


I think I'm getting the same issue as above but with the PC/WIN version. It seems to not progress past the 0.2 build.


The only way to progress forward in Build 3 is to start the story from scratch and use fast forward until you get to the end of build 2. The reason for this, from what I can see at a quick glance though, is that they renamed the scripts. Originally Build 2 was named "a2s2", now it's "a1s2". So I assume that the original save files are no longer compatible cause of the rename.


Yay! Thanks you y’all!


Awesome! Thank you for all that you do :3


Thanks guys.


Thank you!!


So great to finally have Interea back! Loved this update, hoped you were able to enjoy the holidays Howly :-)

Kaito Gillscale

Any way to provide feedback to the devs? Found the wrong Were/Where usage in my game and thought I'd pass it on: https://i.gyazo.com/3d7f34b44037ca3d8ba4ba406c84c571.jpg


Anyone know when the next update will be only just joined the patreon so i dont know the update scedule for this series.


Interea has been on a "It releases when it releases" update schedule so none of us have any idea.


Development update roundup for 2021! Hopefully I didn't miss anything. Last year Interea saw its new builds on Mar 17, Jun 2, and this one on Dec 27. The same writer is working on Arches, which saw releases on Apr 4, Jun 14, Aug 14, and Nov 23. Oh, and Khemia received its second build on Jan 1 before going on hiatus. Meanwhile other folks are handling The Smoke Room which saw new builds on Jan 27, Mar 8, Apr 16, Jun 3, Aug 10, and Oct 24. (And the Christmas Special on Dec 24) Also Echo more or less finished being developed with its builds on Mar 1 and Apr 1, while its prequel Route 65 received an extra bit of polish in a Jun 28 update. They paused payments twice, so we were not charged for August or October.


Heh, Amicus is learning humility...or, at least, to watch out for the old geezers... they've been around awhile and have picked up all kinds of tricks.


My Wolf