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We moved quite a few things around this update, so if you spot any issues, please let us know!

Change Log:

-Leo's route completed to Wednesday

-New Carl base sprite

-Carl's week completed




So wait, does this mean Carl's route is complete and done? Like BAM! No more to do writing-wise?


I hope that this does not charge us twice cause of the release log and the actual update log


Don't worry, this post will be edited in the future with the download links. Mainly we didn't want to charge the Patrons twice in July.

Vic Viper

I think something was said about the game's actual length in the comments, it was months ago so I might not remember well, but the game "might" have two weeks for each character. We'll see anyway.


My life style is identical to Carl's, and I find it funny how he try's to push a pull door open, cause I will literally see that is says pull then I will precede to try to push it open anyway haha


Well that was certainly a doozy of an update. Fantastic though, things seem to be coming together. Poor Carl, I can identify with you quite a bit.

Hyou Vizer

the new design for carl was a bit jarring at first but i got use to it, i don't get why the change him though, i mean the last design was good hell even then 1st one was good ah well

Kharnos Strayder

Now just waiting patiently for my fave lynx to get a update, man I wish I had enough to support you aswell.


Oh boy, the horror elements seem to have emerged from the background and are taking center stage. I can't wait to see where the story goes from here!


Oh dear, that new Carl sprite... I preferred the last one. I like some of the elements reincorporated from his first design, but uh... I can't say I like it. I would actually say it's one of my least favorite character designs now actually, unfortunately... Although the writing was goddamn glorious, holy shit. Seriously, the horror elements were fantastic this episode, and the sounds and transitions along with the writing goddamn rocked.


Late reply on this but I just caught up and WOW what the heck is going on?? xD This VN just gets weirder and weirder and I LOVE it, you guys are doing a fantastic job and I honestly can't wait for more!