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(Concept art of Scipio and the Vizier are by Haps)

Happy day of Drusus, Mother.

No news of interest as of yet. Delays continue, and Amicus frets that it may be due to the human's work on Earth. I've heard talk of there being conflict on the planet, which does not bode well for the galactic plan as a whole. But there is no use worrying over things in which we have no control. In fact, this very long, uncertain diplomatic mission has caused me to mull over other issues I have noticed, so I hope you don't mind me rambling, but I'd like to talk to someone about it.

Before I met my first Khemian, or rather, my first Khemian child (they don't discern themselves in such ways), I expected a great deal of blunt, hard truths from them in which no feelings are spared and the point is always brought up first. What I ended up finding out what that they do participate in their own social dance, a different one from ours, but a dance nonetheless. If anything, Khemians are, as Neferu put it, "simply better at saying that which needs to be said, despite everyone knowing it in the first place." This is admittedly a little odd, as you might recall that he calls me by the pet name "Skip", even though I pointed out to him that that is only for children and should NOT be said. He enjoys teasing me, I think.

Anyway, I simply expected more interest from them in altruistic endeavors. As they say, Khemians protect anyone fleeing wolven tyranny, even if they are a wolf. However, when I mentioned to the vizier that I am often targeted due to my social class, especially after Cato's Riots, he simply suggested I shave my mane. I had to quell my fury at such a suggestion as I pressed further, asking if this might grant me special citizenship (do not worry, no wolf was in earshot), he simply laughed and pointed out that the riots and persecution of the elite had been brewing for quite some time and were inevitable, as if I deserved it. When I pointed out that I had been beaten and shaved during the attack on the university, he simply ignored me.

I know now that he dislikes wolves in general, and while it may be deserved, it's a bitter pill to swallow. I had built Khemians up in my mind to be enforcers of true, galactic justice, that they would always be willing to communicate, and make peace, no matter what history existed. Now, after multiple incidents in which I've vocally assumed Khemian altruism, only to find myself blushing furiously afterwards due to being completely off the mark, I fear that I may have become a bit disillusioned.

You should know that I still greatly value their culture, their view on technology and life, but now it seems the one thing I wanted to believe most is not true, and that is that they are somehow different from us. In fact, as time goes on, and we connect to more of the siblings, I feel that we're not very different at all. Yes, the nature of our culture lead to self-inflicted pain and isolation, but in actuality, because of that very culture, I feel that we wolves are actually the most blunt and honest of all. Sadly, this only makes me believe that unfiltered communication is impossible if we wish to make everyone work together. We will only stay together if we lie together.

As usual, I will let you know as soon as I know when our departure time is upon us. Luckily, compensation for my work is continuing to flow in from the imperial coffers. You should have the next payment within a few days of receiving this message.

All my love,





Oh wow. The hype continues to build!

North Grizz

That's really interesting, I don't think the Khemians are as... nice as they would like us to think. I like the art as well. As soon as I saw the Vizier I knew what voice to give him xD


Dayum, I wasn't even half right, I was only right that he was under the care and shelter of the Khemians. Oh well, best thing about speculations is when it's over, you see all the other ideas you didn't think of...I never considered it being a recent transition to the Khemians, even less so at Cato's actions. This is so cool, and seeing some of what Amicus thought of them being true, just too cool! 🤩😆🤩


Lost what I originally wrote in response. It was kinda wordy, but I'll keep it brief this time. Basically, good writing. Some of this kinda hit home for me and was making me think about a lot of stuff.


Old wounds must've been a lot deeper than what we have read in the story.


oh my god Skippy's beautiful