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Howdy folks, McSkinny here. This update is a bit of a surprise. One of our discord members, Toxi, has been doing some tweaks to Echo's menus and and implemented a gallery feature that's "hidden" somewhere on the main menu. This gallery features unlocked artwork, music, and scene selection. It's still a little bit of a WIP, but it's still neat as hell. I also managed to update TJ's route with expression sprites, three new transition cards, and a new CG by Stranj. Next month, an actual Jenna update is in the works.

By the way, I've been getting tons of messages about folk who use androids saying the latest android build is hella screwy. We're looking into it, and will hopefully get a stable build out of this update soon.

Change Log:

- New CG by Kardamon (TJ Tuesday)

- New Transition Cards (3) by Kardamon

- Expressive Sprites implemented (TJ Route)

- Typo Fixes

- Music Gallery by Toxixot

- Photo Gallery by Toxixot

- Scene Select Menu by Toxixot




I love what you guys are doing. Keep up the hard work!

Kilik Odagawa

O3O Well ain't this just a great time to update and play through the content I've missed these past few months


Hey! On the Echo download page there are some reports considering errors on new devices - ca1keh and Oxmo posted the details. I am having the same problem. Any chance for a fix in the next version? Cheers!


(Oof edited; I found the problem 👀👀👀Ig i didn't have enough space, my phone didn't notify about anything though)


I'm very sorry that the gap between me and you which is called "wall(墙)"stops me supporting you.what I can do is ONLY helping you propagate it😭😭😭


I keep getting a "permission denied" error when trying to download the mac version.


Mediafire's copyright thing kicked in for the upload, but just for the Mac Version for some reason. I went ahead and reuploaded it, so it should work fine.


Just finished my first read. Choose to follow Flynn. I really hope more story is coming for him. Leaving him at that ending is leaving me really depressed. I really liked the differences between the choices when interacting with Flynn. Especially during the Smoke Room scenes: Loved the visceral primal feeling in the room (Gotta admit that I wouldn't have run out on Flynn, but would have made him regret bringing me in...), but I loved the dialogue when choosing to leave the room almost as much. I know I can't expect to have my Happy ending with Flynn, but at least let me save him. PLEASE. I am looking forward to the other stories, but now I will have my guard up higher for it.


I am looking forward to reading the other stories, but I will have my guard to full when reading this time....