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In which you learn you have no control.

As always, we have a new illustration from Haps in this update. If you'd like to support him directly, you can find his Patreon here:https://www.patreon.com/Haps

Hope you all enjoy, and if you have feedback of any kind, just let me know in the comments. As always, thank you for all your support!




Eyy, I haven’t been up-to date on the updates. Say I’m on build 3, and download build 6, nothing negative will happen, right?


download now


I like the changes to the final scene, as well as the clarification on one particular subject. I feel that it flows better now while reinforcing the dire situation that the MC is in. I'm guessing that you chose not to expand on that scene with the black background? TBH I can see how that scene would be a tough one to write and fit in without hurting the pacing, so I can understand why you would leave it as is.


By the stars, so much happened in this update

Jeremy Hybrid

I don’t want this to b close to the end... best vn ever in my opinion, and is tht Amicus’s cape?


I have all I need to believe you don't know about what I'm going to ask, but I do it anyway. Has anyone of you ever heard of the greatest science-fiction series of all time? It is light years ahead of Star Trek or even Star Wars and is called Perry Rhodan. The only reason why there don't exist movies already or it is well known is it's origin is German. (movies could not capture everything that happens anyway) This series is as old as Star Wars/Star Trek and was written by like 40 authors who published and are still publishing, it seems, 3000 booklets. The booklets are currently turned into more readable books of which exist 145 right now, with ca. 500 pages each. Perry Rhodan, the name of the franchise, is also the main protagonist. His title so to say means translated “Heir of the Universe“. A very fitting title, if I say so myself. (You can travel far distances with a six-dimensional drive or “absolute motion“ (joke, even though they exist in PR)) https://www.perrypedia.proc.org/ (translator included) Adastra is, as always, totally awsome. I know it! I'm sorry that I didn't write more to it. (Still have to play the update, yeah...) The Smoke Room has been alot of... fun too. You can only feel bad for Samuel and his town, because of for what is going to go down. (If you ever heard of Brimstone The Smoke Room strongly reminds me of it) Excuse me for bot being patron. I rather support projects that are in more need of financial support. Hope you understand.


Omg, how do I live the next 9 days, I can't wait for the next chapter to come out! Totally going to become your patreon now, this is AWESOME


i really hope that there will be a VR port for adastra


This VN helped me decide to get back into drawing and editing pulled me outta some dark places easily in my top 10 reads the art the music and most of all the story are incredible.


Any clue as to when this game will be complete? I have reached the to be continued part and im begging for more.

Snow Kruzer

Does the title "The beginning of the end" means that next update will be the last? 3:


Hey Echo Project gang! I started Adastra shortly after this build was released (having first been traumatised by one route of Echo, which was also excellent). Just wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate you on working together to such a high standard. Adastra moved me more than I ever expected. I connected with it really surprisingly, and as corny as it might sound it really lead me to reflect on the people in my life, and the sacrifices we have to keep them close. On top of that, the sci-fi worldbuilding, the commentary on power and the twists and turns of political intrigue have filled me with inspiration for my own projects. Hope nobody minds the long ramble, but I simply had to express my enthusiasm!