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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u0rns6so9ry75kj/Echo-0.35-Flynn-pc.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/379qdibl762ht11/Echo-0.35-Flynn-mac.zip/file

Howdy folks, McSkinny here. Here's a Flynn update with brand new art from Kardamon, new music from Abyuse's new album, and quite a lot of dialogue choices/variables. Also, Patrons, make sure to tune in next month as we're gonna be trying to get out our polished Route 65 update, with all photo backgrounds replaced with actual art, character sprites with actual expressions, new music, and maybe some additional content if we have some time. Basically, it'll look all professional-like. If ya haven't gotten around to playing Route 65 yet, I recommend waiting for the update next month and checking it out.

Change Log:

- Flynn route update

- New music from Abyuse

- New art from Kardamon




A polished-up route 65 seems like a good idea, since it compliments the main game so well. I hope the two are bundled together somehow when Echo is finished and sold.


that plot twist though...


I cannot wait for the Route 65 update it'll be amazing to finally see the sprites have actual expression changes!!


Admittedly I'm a tad confused as to why the final choice in this build is so restrictive but I'm curious to see how it plays out regardless. I have a feeling that this is all leading up to the standard "No happy endings" that we've come to see in the other routes.


It appears Chase is possessed in the TJ/Flynn routes, which is why you have no choice. That's just speculation, but it seems unlikely to turn out differently.


That would make sense, and would give a different type of vibe than when Carl was possessed since he make a conscious choice to be in his route. Presumably Chase was not given a choice and isn't even aware of it if that does turn out to be the case.