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Hey guys!

So because McSkinny recently got a promotion and will be very busy at work, he won't be able to put out a Flynn update this month. Because of that, we will instead be doing a Q&A on Discord! This Q&A will focus on the artists, so Kardamon (cg artist) and Abyuse (composer) from Echo, Haps (character design, sprite art) from Adastra, and 0rang3 (character design, sprite art) from 1915 will all be there.

The Q&A will be on Sunday at 4:00 PM MST

Link to our Discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/WaGxhH2

We discuss all kinds of things on the server, including all of our VNs, so consider joining. Hope to see you all there!



Congratulations on the promotion to McSkinny 🎆


That was cool!)))