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Fun fact, back when Ray was still human he went to engineering college with both Trellane and (as of yet unpictured) Olivine, and he and Trellane even used to date!  His side jobs and cooking skills, combo'd with her notes and tutoring, got them both through successfully, even if they had to break it off eventually due to his not wanting a commitment or kids anytime soon.  

Yeah how's that for irony?

Either way, she went off to do work on a racing crew, he went off to be a space trucker, and Olivine plied her trade as a dockmaster, but, like, in space.  All three have since been reunited on Chani's star, with Trellane in charge of engineering, Olivine, uh, dockmastering still, and Ray still trucking but now also an egg laying monsterman.

What does this have to do with the picture?  Uh...well, mostly nothing, except for the 'used to date' part!

Anyway Flynn has a new shirt that he was using as an undershirt, and Trellane just got off work, and after their respective shifts they've run into each other in the hallway.

Hilarity Ensues.



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