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Everyone remembers old hot dog slogans, right?

I think I made this joke long ago on an old elf!Mara picture but that's basically prehistory in the internet era so I can use it again!

So, poor Yasty, earlier in her pregnancy that I've been drawing lately, but still suffering from crazy cravings at complicated hours, struggling to order something greasy and salty from a cyborg chef who may or may not actually be there tonight. Poor Watzi's confused enough by all these giants as it is but he's pretty sure he's not ReNN, right?

Considering the point of this picture was to be more silly butt memes, it's kinda weird that it barely takes up a fifth of the image. Whoops! Still, I figure I'm probably better off posting rougher quickies like this rather than, like, nothing for a month, so hopefully nobody minds!



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