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  • Snaccrifice for a Tyrant HQ.mp4



Sacrifice season has come again and Anna drew the short straw when it came to see who would grace the greedy gullet of the resident Rexy.

And here is the animation. This was a fun animation to work on; I always enjoy doing animations featuring Rexy even if I'm not exactly the best at animating her. As well, I decided to try out using an IK rig on Anna, which definitely helped in terms of animating her, but it also caused her limbs to maybe not pose in the exact way that I wanted them to, though I suppose that if I use the IK rigs more often, I would get used to how they work. As well, I couldn't get the ropes to animate in a way that I felt was satisfactory, so they wound up being more static than I originally wanted. Regardless, I am quite pleased with how the animation turned out.

I hope that you guys enjoy the animation and, as always, feel free to share any thoughts or ideas that you have.

As well, the August 24th Poll will be ending Sunday, September 11th at 11:59pm MDT, so if you have not voted in that, please do so as soon as possible.



Tabatha Cat

Nice. I particularly like the sound effects at the beginning, particularly the way Anna grunts as she jerks against her bonds, followed by her gasps when the T-Rex arrives. The T-Rex's belch at the end was satisfying too. And I especially liked the internal shot of Anna in the shimmering pool.