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Hello guys! This week we are really in the last steps of developing Lust Colony v5 and grounding the ideas for NBNL v7.

How close are we to finish this version of Colony? We are already talking to the VAs Agrosan had a small setback because some details in the plantgrils scene didn't look so good, so he had to make small ajustments to that scene this week if we are lucky, this time the VAs will have time right away, but I wouldn't say that the game will be ready next week though. Since all the parts of v5 are more or less set we'll have our first poll for v6 during the weekend, this time we want to have a real appearance of a Lust Vessel character in the game not just a picture, it going to be interesting to make a 3 years older version fo the character you pick. 

For NBNL, since we are making you restart your saves we want to make the experience much more interesting, we are forcing some friends to play so we can see where do we need to add stuff specially on the early stages of the game or if we need more options or even which options, but we are always willing to hear what so you want of course. 

The report was short this time, but that's because it's mostly we are working and not those with ideas, but next week might be more interesting to read.

Have a nice day!




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