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Hello guys and welcome back to our progress report we are almost back at full force edition! As the name implies we are almost back to work in full force at least I'm ready with the worst part of this last part of the semester and Agrosan is a couple weeks away from finishing so things are going to get back at full speed.

On the mean time Airsum finished the lobby, this is going to be located just outside Sophie's room so now we have her room, the lobby and the beach from the planet and her boss office back on Earth. Now she is going to start our futanari character that judging by the poll (here) is going to be a catgirl, hopefully we'll have some sketches soon. On other news the senari mechanic now has a name, she is called Zeena Xi' L' Zuetha, Zeena is her name and how most people will call her but she does have a last name. 

On the other side, finally I have some "free" time to work on NBNL and if things goes as planed version 0,7 will be out next week (and that like the 10th time I promise the same thing) but this time I finished most of my classes for this semester so instead of having 3 roadblocks I have only 1. 

Aside from that very soon Lust Vessel will be available on Nutaku too, and we have fixed some issues regarding achievements on steam this week, turns out that going to Kate's bathroom gave you the 50 Lust achievement, but now is fixed

And that our progress report for this week,

Have a nice day!!!





is there any save with a full gallery yet? I've got most endings but no matter what i do i can't get onto Selene route. Did everything in the guide and still cant get it to work


That's weird. I don't think we have a bug there, but I'll check it anyway (better safe than sorry)