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Hello guys! Version 0.17 is finally out for our crewmen and above (here), sorry for the delay but stuff happened in my job and I had to go there in person. In this report we have news about new people and new rewards for our patrons!

Let's start with the new people, we always wanted to work faster and have more content for you so now we want to try a new artist, but this time we want to show you something before we make her work in the game, so very soon ( we think before the next progress report) we will introduce  Airsum. 

Now for the rewards to our existing patrons we wanted to kill 2 birds with one stone and since we wanted to train  Airsum into Agrosan's style  before letting her work in the game we had an idea make her do "commissions" for you guys! The plan is simple, we ask our first mates for ideas, we want the first one to be SFW then our officers vote on which of these ideas she will draw, then as we train her you can go with harder stuff, so we hope you like the idea. Of course we are only adding stuff since the officers polls lately had been scarce but we also intend to fix it during this version.

Now for our real progress, on Lust Vessel side there isn't any, since we finished the game yesterday, but Agrosan will start working on Kate and Peter's, the one with the poll, for our free users remember that version 1.0 is on the horizon, patrons will have way more content coming. On the other side NBNL was frozen this week and now I'll be back to work, so expect a new version in 7-10 days to compensate it this version will have way more sex scenes than version 0.3.

For this week there won't be a trivia fact, since we couldn't think on an interesting one. Sorry, and that was our progress report!

Have a nice day!!




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