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Hello guys! We finally have an official reveal for our new project and it's protagonist. Our second game will be named Lust Colony and Sophie will be it's protagonist, in this new game Sophie will try to develop a new colony for a luxury resorts company. To accomplish this she will have to attract new people for this fledgling colony and organize robots to work the land as she explores it.

The game will feature a bigger cast than Lust Vessel, you will be able to decide if Sophie wants to end up with an harem or start making couples between the rest of the cast. The gameplay will consist mostly on deciding what to do each day, at the beginning Sophie will have limited options but as the game progresses and more buildings are constructed and people arrive to the colony there will be more choices to make. Another feature that Agrosan is exited about is a system in which Sophie will have different clothing, so you will see her with more sexy clothes (if you like) and of course a change of engine, Rpg maker has been working for us in Lust Vessel, but for Lust Colony we want a different engine where we have some extra freedom and where the game feels a little more unique. 

In relation to romantic (and sex) option in game expect at least as a base the same as Lust Vessel and we will continue our philosophy that if a character exist in our games our protagonist will have the option to have sex with it. We already have some ideas for our first characters but when the time comes we will be asking you about our ideas if you like them and which of those will be implemented first in Lust Colony.

So you might be asking, what will happen with Lust Vessel? The answer is we will keep working on it as usual, there are lots of contents for Lust Vessel coming at roughly the same speed and quantity, this means that Lust Colony will have it's first version between May and July, depending on our goals, since having extra help in the art department will help us to get this first version faster. 

We hope you like this announcement and Sophie, if you have questions we will gladly answer them




Josh Makkara

Selene will join the colony?


it's probable, we want to add characters from Lust Vessel to Lust Colony, but not at the beginning. Since we want to be coherent with the endings in Lust Vessel


I say Lucila' alien species will be there also <3


I'm been thinking a lot lately, why not release this project on Steam? I would love to buy the game since i mostly play games on Steam <3


We will have to think about that, but we are still months away from the first alpha


It's likely, we want to have a bigger cast of named character this time.