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Ch.0    Ch.1    A Rough Bond

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So who remembers Maxine all the way back in page 52?  I've been planning on bringing her back and we can finally do a little more with her.  With this the current arc of Scrawled is done!  As stated I'll be going forward in a more short-stories based format; telling little stories focusing around a character or event.

Something else I've wanted to incorporate more is stories inspired by my own experiences with friends and sex.  Sexual positivity is what I want to focus on and show how it can be approached from a casual, yet safe route.  I know I just brought her back, but the Maxine bit will be put on hold for a moment as the first short story I want to tell is baed on an important moment that happened to me just recently over the holidays.  Beth will be the focus for this one, that will start next week.



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