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The final pages!  This big spread of Scott and the girls was originally what I wanted for my extra image, just a fun thing with the main girls all together, but some people expressed interest in Julie after the gag on the last page so I figured I could do a fun extra thing with her too.  With this all the "pages" for the comic are done, all that's left is one more image for the cover.

Schedule: Scrawled page is up at the end of the weekend, next week is my week to work on extra content and the monthly pinups, and after that will be the cover image for Deja Vu Day to wrap things up!  Then I can finally call this one done and put up the poll to decide on my next comic.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.



Corentin Goovaerts

Scott is really a lucky bastard🤣 this exta pic is woth it, thank you!


Epic ending. Of the many types of Throne, this is by far the best decorated and *equipped*... a living monument dedicated to the Luck of Pilgrim :)

C.E. Zim93

I read the whole comic today. It's really good! Had to see it after what I saw on Twitter. Good job. This journey was worth it. Almost a year though for me only an hour