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Ch.0    Ch.1    A Rough Bond

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We're finally able to wrap up Audrey's little plan and Nera once again gets to be the guinea pig.  It's been a while since I've been able to add some mystery and intrigue into the story so it feels good to tease a bit more again.  Plus I got to mess around with some new lighting again so that was fun!

Next week I'm working on the pinups for the month so I'll see you next weekend with all those!

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




who is that i gotta know


The play of light and the details are very beautiful. Noteworthy is the idea of ​​Nera as a *portal* - in many senses :) - and as an *alchemical egg*. Stunning eyes of the new arrival .....o .


Looks like Nera is either going to get pregnant, have some sort of egg, or possibly turned into something mysterious.


What are you up to TOH? Something that will spice up the story huh? ;)