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Nera's more concerned about the status of her clothes than the status of her body.  I can't imagine a snakes tail would be very warm down there.

CAT UPDATE!  Thanks for waiting for this page everyone!  A couple of you wanted cute cat pics so I'm here to deliver, say hello to Lupin!  I've had him for 2 days now and he's already getting very comfortable with the place.  He's a chill good boy who thank god has yet to mess around with the plushies I have laying on the shelf above my couch.  He really loves a good neck nuzzle whenever he gets the chance.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.




That is a very comfortable looking cat.


Look at that king. Oh yeah and Nera being cute as usual.


Very cute


Kitty!!!! And something something nera (insert snake joke here) or just insert snake xD


Kitty kitty


Nera got over her surprise pretty quickly. Guess hanging out with Asi gets you used to sudden twists like that. And of course the thing that gets more comments on than pussy is pussy. He does look like a precious boy, though!


Wait, there's an uniform insurance? I guess the Miss does know her clientele


The cat isn't orange, I was really hoping you got an orange one so you could experience the crack head energy. Still, adorable


Comics about Lamia and Cats, my favorite combo


The truly amazing aspect of the story is Audrey's extraordinary skill with her tail... and an uncanny resemblance between Audrey's eyes and the cat's ones...

chris thomson

I'm not ashamed to admit the pussy I stared at longer was not the one in comic form.


I wonder what Asi is doing while Nera is getting a promotion also, what's your cat's name?