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I've posted about it on my usual sites but I've decided to make a community Discord server for myself.  I haven't set up Patreon/SubStar integration just yet, need to figure that all out, but I plan on adding it in the next week or so.  I've never done something like this before, so I'm wondering what kind of channels do you guys want in there that's exclusive to my Pat/SS members only?  I want to do some private drawing streams sometimes, as well as a channel for posting sketches/WIPs as I do them (This will help me keep track of what wips I can add to the monthly hi-res files as well).  What other exclusives do you guys see in other artists Pat/SS discords that you'd like me to add?  I can't guarantee what I'll add in but I want to know what kind of ideas you guys have!



Maybe like an exclusive NSFW art channel for Patreon members only


^ and count me in


Maybe a channel for giving input on current WIPs


Let me know if you run into any issues. I run a couple of discord servers for work, I can lend a hand! Just shoot me a DM


An Idea/tools just to put up some art work tell what tools you use/software


I think having a patreon-exclusve channel just for talking and sharing artwork would be really cool, it is a great way to keep followers engaged with each other and content more. I think having channels for new pictures and comics would be cool as well as a discussion channel for the new comics that come out. Maybe adding in a suggestion channel would be cool, as people could suggest characters/scenes and you could give immediate feedback on whether or not you would be interested in it


maybe like an archive for your comics


Patreon only channel chat, just one channel for chatting about anything, art and just in general stuff for your supporters. And maybe more wips for discord only