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So turns out trying to write and layout a comic takes a little bit longer than a few days.  This one was a lot of fun to write for though, 32 pages long and some fun interactions between Kim/Knives/Scott throughout.  Apologies for the weird formatting of the script, I had to write it on Notepad for the moment.  I also tried a new way of drawing my page layouts where you draw a square with each panel you want, then paste them onto the comic page and stretch the panels out to their desired size.  Did seem to make it a bit easier to plan what I wanted on the entire page.

The pdf with the script and all the pages are in the .zip files below.  I didn't really want to post 32 images of rough doodles but let me know if anyone has any problems with viewing them this way.  And let me know what you think and if there're any parts in particular you're looking forward to!  First page goes up this week!



Honestly not gonna read it because I'm excited for the final product. But your work is always topnotch so I'm stoked to see this at the end!


Interesting to see the early process of the comic! It's going to be a good one when the pages are fully done. I think pages 15 and 28 are the ones I'll want to see finished the most


Im going to try reading it once I get a lil quiet this week. I want to see where your mind takes you.