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With the new show out it's not surprising that Wednesday got chosen for this months poll.  I'll be honest, I got through 3 episodes and just couldn't anymore with the pointless love triangle they were trying to throw in between her and the two guys.  So here, have some Wednesday and some monsters, in both cute and spicy flavors!

You can find the files for viewing in the attachments below.  Hi-res versions will be uploaded in next months Hi-Res Art Pack.



Seabridge Drive

Why go for love triangles when you can go for sexually open, fluid relationships? ; P


I might not have seen the show, but I dig what people say and draw of her dynamic with Enid, so super happy to see her here (I'mma just imagine that furry monster is her too lol)😂👌 Been saying give Wednesday a girlfriend since I first saw Values as a kid.


More in-character for her


This is great. Please do more with her and Enid!


Please God do some of Enid