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Here we are, the final page of Crossed Circuits! It's been over a year since I started it, and even longer the idea has been in my head. Thanks to all of you I've been able to finish it; so thank you all for your help! Next month starts something new, whether it be more comics or image sets or otherwise. Keep your eyes on your messages and notifications, I'll be doing polls to have you guys help me choose what will come next.

As usual, you can go to the link and download the .zip file. The password is "Needs Moar Buns". Please do not share the files or the folder locations with anyone outside of Patreon!

Remember, every month I'll be doing a raffle for anyone on the $5 or above tiers, so keep your eye on your messages. I'll be messaging the winner at the beginning of next month along with the usual request messages.

For those of you on the $15 and $30 levels, here's how I'll be doing the pictures for your rewards. Patreon charges supporters on the 1st of the month, so I'll be waiting until then to make sure payments go through. (there's been a problem with people signing up for artists and then backing out before payments). After your payments go through I will be messaging you on here to ask what your request is, so expect to hear from me about a week after the start of the month. As always if you have any questions feel free to comment or message me here!


(No title)



I know that this is an old project, but love the work and was wondering if you have the rest of the comic?? can only see down to page 09.


When I was going back through those old posts to tag them in the "comics" category it wouldn't let me tag any earlier pages for some reason. They are there, but they're waaaaay back, so I'll make a new post later tonight that just has a zip file for the whole comic.