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Ch.0    Ch.1    A Rough Bond

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Beth is a fireball on the outside, but she's pretty timid when it comes to being intimate.  Sometimes you just need to be close to someone to feel better about yourself.

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I get excited for each new page of this, also wasn't there also a client there before


this is getting really good i like where this is going


Aw dang! Well, my blood's pumping now! So nice to see her body. ^_^ Something I started thinking about recently, with the emphasis on closeness, acceptance, and trust for her, as well as the importance in showing her relationship with Audrey, would Beth be considered demisexual (someone who needs an emotional bond for sexual attraction)? Or is it more that she just needs to start out with someone she's already close to before breaking out of her shell and dealing with her trust issues?


It's certainly difficult to have a greater proximity than it is when one is in the coils of a beautiful snake...


It's not about sexual preference for her, it's more the trust thing. Beth's appearance and attitude has made it difficult for her to be close with others, so having someone she can relax with has her more comfortable with being herself.


Ah. Figured I might have been overthinking it a bit. Either way, I think the focus on developing her character and getting to understand her more as build up for the sex scene has been really well done.