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Write a comment here suggesting a girl you'd like to see me draw for this months pinup!  You have until the end of Saturday.

From these suggestions I'll be choosing the comments that I like and the ones that get the most likes from everyone and put them into a poll.  Second place will become this months pinup with timelapse video and first place will become a pinup collage.

A few rules:

-Please suggest only 1 character, if you list more than 1 I can't tell who the "likes" are going towards.

-No fancharacters, please stick to official characters only.

-Unfortunately, due to the false DMCA claims against artists I cannot accept Nintendo characters until further notice.  There are many characters I'd like to draw, but I cannot take the risk at this time, I'm sorry.

-Please don't pick characters from the same series I drew in the previous few months, I'd like to do new ones every month if possible.

-Keep an eye on other peoples suggestions.  I'll be choosing some of the ones with the highest number of likes so show your support to other ideas you want to see!



Ruby rose


Rayla - dragon prince


Noodle from Gorillaz


Rivet - Ratchet and Clank


Shantae (from Shantae series)


perfuma from she-ra


Tohru from miss kobayashi's dragon maid


Isabela from Encanto


jibril from no game no life