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This journal talks about:
-Switching to “Pay Per Month” and “Charge Upfront”
-How it’ll affect new patrons, but won’t affect current patrons unless changing levels
-Bringing back old comic pages and picture links
-Crossed Circuits ending and new format for making comics

Heya everyone, I wanted to make a post to let you all know I’ll be making a few important changes to my Patreon page. First off, I will be changing my page from “pey per item” to “pay per month”. For almost a year now I’ve consistently been uploading each comic page near the end of the month, and I plan on continuing this and making sure you all get at least one comic page every month.

However, the main reason I’m changing to “Pay per month” is so I can take advantage of Patreons new “Charge Upfront” option. This means that when people sign up to my Patreon they are charged immediately the amount they sign up for. After that, charges will continue at the end of the month as usual. The reason this is so important to artists is because Patreon has a HUGE problem with people signing up, taking content from creators, and leaving before making payments. Charging people when they first sign up will prevent people from stealing content like this.

What exactly is “Charge Upfront”? You can read about it here:

Honestly, for all of you already signed up to my Patreon, nothing will change. You’re already signed up so you won’t be charged anything extra; you’ll only be charged at the end of the month as always. HOWEVER, charge upfront also charges you when you change to a higher pledge level/amount. This means if anyone would like to change to a higher pledge level, now’s your chance to do it before I turn Charge Upfront on. I’ll be activating it on or right after August 10th, so check to see if you’d like to change to a higher level now.

What’s good is this means I can keep older content on here without worrying about people stealing it anymore. I’ll be bringing back links for past comic pages and pictures for anyone who’s missed them.

Finally, I’m on the last few pages of Crossed Circuits. This has been a project I had on my mind for a long time now and I can’t thank you all enough for helping me finish it! The last few pages are gonna focus on a few different fetishes, as you can see starting with Page 11. After C.C. ends, I’d like to change how I do comics a little. I won’t be doing long comics; instead, I’d like to do shorter 3-6 page comics. This will let me cover a wider variety of characters and scenarios. I’ll also be holding polls for you all to help vote for the next short comic for me to draw. I want to get you guys more involved and see what kind of things you’d like me to draw.

So thanks for reading this long post. And thank you for supporting me so far! As always I’d like to hear what you guys think, so feel to write in the comments, or ask me any questions you may have.


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