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It's time to vote for this months pinup girls!  I've looked through your suggestions and picked the highest liked ones, as well as a few of my favorites.  1st place will become this months comic/collage, 2nd place will be a pinup pic with timelapse video!  Feel free to vote for a couple that you'd like to see most!  Poll will close at the end of Wednesday.


dakota jones

That's a tough one cause I want like 3 of them to be done


I don't know any of them. Cept Lapis, but she's "meh" to me.


The fact the Regan Ridley got this far is reassuring. Even if she doesn't make it this time, she's been acknowledged.


Chances are Pacifica is going to win, so any chance you can do a Pacifica comic page.

Joey Bryant

No Zone-tan? Bummer. 😑