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And thus we have the first monthly group pinups post!  I decided to start off I'd stick to the 4 runner-ups for the monthly poll, but I also did some Megaman/Roll and butt sketches.  The butt ones were for practice; pulling up some reference images to study.  I probably won't always do all the runner-ups, but I'd like to at least get through most of them.  I also did some animation work for something to celebrate a milestone on twitter.  The sketch isn't done yet, but even if I can't finish it by tomorrow I'll post what I have so you guys can at least preview it before the month is up.

Thank you for sticking with me for this change-up everyone!  It was pretty refreshing being able to change my schedule, even if it's just for a week.  Hope you all enjoy the pics!



Seabridge Drive

Those butt sketches make for great refs


In love with that lapis pic.


HOLY FUCK, TRIPLE LAPIS! *heart attack*