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I've been thinking about this for a bit and think I have a schedule idea I'm comfortable with.

Right now my schedule goes Mon-Thur work on comics and occasionally personal work, then Fri-Sun work on Collages, pinups, and whatever else I have time for.  The main two problems I've been having is I don't have much time left for animation work and constantly working on comics can feel a bit draining at times.  So I'd like to try out a new schedule starting next month (May):

For the monthly character poll, first place will get a collage, 2nd a pinup with timelapse video, and the next 2-3 places will get their own pinup pics.  Since I'll be doing more pics I'm hoping this will lead to less repeats of characters in polls/suggestions and getting some fresh faces in.  The last FULL week of the month I won't be doing comic pages.  Instead, I'll use that week to work on drawing these pinups from the monthly poll and other misc. work (mostly animation, personal work, and maybe some one-off comics at times).  I'm doing this in the last FULL week of the month to make sure I can put out these pics within that month for you all.  As usual, these will be patreon first and public later.

There'll be 2 less comic pages a month, but I'll be able to get more pinups out, add a little variety to my work, and get back to working on animation projects.

Thank you so much everyone for your support and allowing me to continue making content for you all!  It's been a crazy year for everyone, but hopefully things will start going back to normalcy later this year.  In the meantime, stay safe, stay good, and as always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to let me know!  Thank you!



getting more characters drawn would be nice to see


how dare you jk lol whatever helps balance your schedule


Whatever feels more confortable for you, man. It's not like people will just hop out of patreon because of this, right?


I think you're being very mindful of finding the balance between mundane tasks and providing patrons with content. It is different, yes, but I feel it will be better overall. Glad to hear this update from you and I'm impressed to see the attention that went into your plan.


Sounds really good but damn, take some time off. Do you really need to work on the weekend? Don't wanna see you working yourself to death 😅


First off, let me just say thank you for giving us an update on what you're going to do next. Second, while I do agree that doing more poll pics will lessen repeats of characters in polls/suggestions, I am worried that Scrawed will take a back seat compared to all the other work you have planned and I would be saddened if that happens. I don't mind if you choose to stop doing comics on IPs, but I feel like your finally getting momentum with your comic through the consistency of you posting each week. I understand that it's a difficult process to have people like your characters and following your comic with only posting one page per week. Now, I don't know what you want to get from doing your comic, but I'm starting to get used to the format of you posting every Friday to where it's one of the things I look forward to every Friday. If I were to make a suggestion on the polls pics : why not make a list of characters that were already used and are soon to be used and put a "ban" on them for at least a few months and them make sure everyone knows not to suggest them by reminding them every time you began a poll post? That should increase the chance of guaranteeing that the same characters for the poll picks are not going to be used. In the end, if changing things for you will make your life a lot easier and allows you to do what you want then I say go for it man. Don't let us stop you. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ) 👍 I have some questions to ask however, are you planning on doing animations on your OC characters? What kind of personal work do you have in mind? Any chance of bringing back art streams?


Yo, you do you, I'm just happy to get your content. ^_^


See the idea by Mac, agreed.

Banana Panda

Alrighty then ToH! Sounds like a plan! Glad you're making a plan in which it will help you still enjoy making great art for us! I think I can say with confidence that we all appreciate you!!


I've been wracking my brain for a while, so hopefully this will be a good compromise.


Heh, I don't always work everyday, but yeah 6-7 days a week can get tiresome at times. I take breaks here n there still. Thanks!


I'm always glad to hear people are enjoying Scrawled! As much as I want to make more of it, I feel a little variety is something I need right now. It definitely won't take a back seat though, I have much more plans for it in the future. As far as making a banned list on polls, I don't think it'll be necessary. The problem isn't so much people suggesting previous characters, but rather suggesting the same character every week when they don't get picked. I'm hoping by doing more characters I'll be able to get through some of the ones being suggested over and over as well. I usually don't do animations of my own characters, maybe in the future if Scrawled gets more attention, but for now I'd rather keep them to more fanarty things. Personal work can be random pics I wanna make, work on the game project, animation work, and also maybe some one-off comics (possibly some Scrawled side-stories) if I'm in the mood. I can't say about art streams, maybe in the future but at the moment I'd rather not. Thank you for the comment and questions! Always glad to hear feedback!


If that the case then why don't you make a list that keeps track of the number of times people ask for a character and add extra "weight" to it? Like if somebody says {insert character here} and that character doesn't win but gets close like say fourth place, then the next time someone says the same character that was suggested then it's got weight to it or an extra vote that will increase the chance of them getting voted in the polls.


I'm hoping something like that won't be necessary since I'll be getting through many of the characters in the polls now anyways.