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In case you didn't know, I was travelling the past 2 weeks. Went to a con then saw family and took a few days to myself for working on a writing project (sorry, it's SFW). Got home last night just in time for some Thanksgiving cheer with my mate and family/friends. For those of you in places where Thanksgiving is celebrated, I hope you had a great day. Now I'm finally back home at my drawing desk and I'm excited to finish off a few projects I've been aching to work on. I did some sketches on my iPad while travelling but it's hard to finish anything on the road.

There is, however, one more minor interruption to my usual creative flow. Midwest Fur Fest is next week so I have prints to prepare and some presentations to polish off. If you're going to MFF, be sure to attend my panels on avian anatomy:

Thursday, 11/29, 9-11 pm in Sky Harbor (in Hyatt Regency): Avian Anatomy (SFW version) https://sched.co/Hikb

Friday, 11/30, 9-11 pm in Rosemont A (in Hyatt Regency): Avian Anatomy (NSFW version) https://sched.co/Hike

Also, if you are a bird, please come to the bird party on Saturday night. I'd love to see you there. If you'd like to come, please message me and I'll see about getting you added to our Telegram group.


Frazzy 626

Aww flap, have fun at MFF! Take some pics and share them with us especially if you see any avian suits etc. but good to see your recent posts