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Lyle ignored her question and asked, “What mischief have you been up to, Minnie?”
She crossed her legs and bobbed her foot. “This and that.”
“Taking charge of your fortune, investing, and networking?”
Her mouth started to sag before she caught herself. “Are you spying on me, too?”
“Too?” he echoed before his eyes flicked over her head to her security and then back to her. “I would, for your own safety, but thankfully that task has been passed onto your husband who seems to have it taken care of. I found out about your activities the old fashioned way. Gossip.” He cocked his head. “You can’t make moves in my territory, cara, thinking I won’t hear about it.”
She arched her brows. “Your territory?”
“You know what I mean. You’re coming to play in our sandbox. Even Colette’s getting calls.”
She tensed. “Why? I’m not even doing anything.” 
He gave her a level look that made her want to fidget, but she resisted.
“You’re married to a man people would sacrifice their kidney to for five minutes of his time. When you start investing in companies that are off our radar, everyone sits up and takes notice. Roth’s a genius when it comes to investments. Even I have to admit that.”
“Everyone thinks he’s feeding me insider information?” she asked with dawning horror. 
“Of course.”
“Roth… He…” She flapped her hands as she tried to get her thoughts in order. “He had no input in what I’ve been doing.”
Lyle frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I met up with some friends from Wharton’s. They recommended I look into some companies. I liked what I saw, so decided to diversify my portfolio. My financial advisor also recommended…” She trailed off at his incredulous look. “What?” 
“You’re basing your decision on your friend’s say so, not Roth’s?”
“We don’t talk about business.” 
“Why not?”
She gripped the arms of the chair as she gave him a saccharine smile. “Maybe we’re more like you and Colette than you thought."
His eyes narrowed. “We’ve changed.”
“I think it’s better that we keep our personal lives separate from business. I don’t want to take advantage of him just because…” 
His snort stopped her speech. She gave him a killing look as he slashed his hand through the air. 
“Minnie, that’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard. You’re married to the man. Asking for advice isn’t taking advantage of him. It’s expected. That’s what men want, to have their women ask them for shit. That’s what I wish Colette did fucking years ago. Jesus!” He leapt off the desk and ran a hand through his hair as he paced. “Worse thing Maximus ever did was teach you girls you can do it on your own and suffer in silence. He should have made you into a team. Instead, he made you each other’s competition and the rest of the world, the enemy. I finally had to sit Colette down and explain that to her in plain fucking English that I’m on her side. I always have been.” He whirled to face her. “And I’m on your side too.”
“I know that,” she said quietly and gripped the arm of the chair as her eyes pricked with tears.
“I can’t believe Roth hasn’t tried to interfere.”
“He’s busy.”
“I’m never too busy for my wife.”
But he was committed to a long-term marriage while she and Roth… She veered away from that thought and hit back with, “I would have thought you out of all people would be happy he isn’t butting into what I do with my money. You’re the one who wanted to look over my prenup!”
“The prenup is ironclad. The one hundred million you’d get if you divorced is unheard of. No man would sign that into a marriage contract unless he was in for the long haul. Even a multi-billionaire wouldn’t part with one hundred million if he could help it.”
Another tactic of Roth’s was paying off… 
“There’s a lot of things about your husband that put me on edge, but business isn’t one of them.”


“Talk to him about the investments you want to make. I guarantee he won’t feel like you’re taking advantage of him. He’ll be happy you’re confiding in him.”
She nodded, knowing she wouldn’t do any such thing.  
Lyle shook his head as he slipped his hands into his pockets. “The way you Hennessy women think is whacked.”
“You have no idea what I’m thinking.”
“I can read you like a book.”
She stuck her tongue out at him, even though her insides felt like lead. Lyle shook his head and settled in the chair behind his desk. 
“How are you, cara?”
The worry in his voice made her eyes well with tears. She hung her head as he shot to his feet and came to her, putting his arms around her, and murmuring in Italian. 

**This is a raw draft of Bitter Confessions. Please do not share or distribute.



Love the big brother relationship Jasmine has with Lyle!!


Lyle getting defensive of his marriage, omg, I love him so much. I want to know everything. Does he have a brother?