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Working on an intimate scene in the bathtub at 432 Park Ave today and hoping to wrap up a chapter I've been working on for several days. 🤞

Focus in this chapter: Roth & Ariana

Bitter Heat Audiobook:

I've been talking to this narrator all week, discussing inflections and tone and notes on characters. I've listened to 15 minutes of her audition of the first chapter and I'm so excited! We're finalizing the contract. Hopefully, BH will be  in audio by December!

Personal Updates:

This was a strange week. Nothing went according to plan. My days kept getting hijacked by family needing help with stuff, dogs being sick, and a death anniversary that prompted me to visit my aunt. I had been putting off visiting with friends and family because I wanted to get back in a groove but with my uncle's anniversary, I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. I went to see my aunt and brought her flowers (took pic of the tropical bouquets at farmers market and a bright yellow flower near my uncles site). I don't regret the 5 hour talk-a-thon. I had a great time. We talked about everything under the sun. I sent pictures to my siblings who aren't here. They were jealous. Lol.

I hope you have an awesome weekend! I can't believe we're already in November. All I keep thinking about is that soon we'll be plunging into the holidays. 🎃🎄I'm excited for it, but also freaked out by how quickly this year has passed. Ahhh!




"I'm absolutely loving these interactions, Mia! Wishing everyone an amazing weekend.

Mia Knight

*LMAO just realized I said November. Meant Sept 🥴 It’s been a long week 🫣