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It's a "billing post" for November 2023 (including Artpack (036)*).

Hello! Thank you for your continuous support!

As I mentioned in previous posts, I had a few breaks and pauses in October (during which I also paused all charges) and during the beginning of November what caused a backlog. Therefore, after this billing post, I won't charge you again until I deliver most of the rewards I already owe to many of you right now.

I draw a few paintings simultaneously rn, and I expect to finish and send the first belated artpack rewards somewhere after the weekend. Then asap finish the next one. In the meantime you can stay, comment and enjoy. 🥰 There should be more arts incoming now! 😃

In short/If you're a fresh Patron: I'm very late with sending rewards. First I'm gonna send the oldest rewards I owe, then I'll get to yours. Ultimately, if at any moment you got charged as the Booster tier patron ($6+), sooner or later you WILL receive an high resolution artpack! ♥ 😅

I apologize for the delay and possible confusion. If you have any questions, feel free to note me.
For now, have a great weekend!



*You'll be eligible to receive the Artpack (036), once you'll be charged $6+ for this billing post (basically you're at the Booster Tier when this billing post is being published). Otherwise you'll be able to get it on Gumroad at a later date.
Once the Artpack will be done and sent out, you will be informed about that in a separate patreon post and in a private message, so you wont miss it!
("Billing post" - currently I do one per month. It's an information for the Patreon's system it should mark you for a single charge for the ending month.)



Take your time and look after your health 💕


Take your time pixel, your art is worth the wait!