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TL;DR: I plan to PAUSE the upcoming charges for October due to lack of art output this month. I'm back though! I'll firstly deliver rewards for patrons who got charged previously as soon as I can. No action is required. Enjoy upcoming content. 🥰

Thanks you for ongoing support! I hope you're well. ♥ I've been struggling with errands and kind of an 'artblock' this month, it's been a bit rough... I did quite a few of sketches and tasty OC designs (soon™), but it was tricky to finish the fully rendered illustrations or be more social... I think, I'm past that, so expect me being more active again and creating a few art posts here during the upcoming week (including the mentioned sketches)!

However, due to the month ending already, and the backlog of content I gotta deliver, I think of pausing the charges at the end of October. I feel it'll be a fair thing to do at this point.

I still gotta deliver rewards and artpack for Patrons who got charged previously. I'm working on that content right now and part of the upcomnig art posts will belong to these rewards.

I'll create a new suggestion thread later in November. I also consider creating a Discord server for casual stuff, and an extra way to contact me.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below or through a direct message.

"I joined in October, whats going on?"

I'm dealing a delay on creating my artworks. I still have to finish the content for Patrons who got already charged $6+ a month ago! I want to finish these rewards (artpack) before going any further, and since it's already the end of October, I think pausing charges is the fair solution right now.
If you joined during October, you were not charged yet, and you wont be charged when the month ends! You will also be able to get all previous Artpacks through my GUMROAD page.
In the menatime you can stay and enjoy the upcoming content. No action is required on your end.

PS. Artpack 033 has been added to the Gumroad offer. Consider grabbing it. 😊

For now, have a great week!



Honestly I would not mind if you don't stop payments. I know you can be behind with art packs but I love your work and I don't mind waiting. It's great quality and certainly worth the wait. Also, Discord would be great.


I'm in a couple of artists' dicord servers. It's actually really nice from my experience.

Mechicanal Numbariaro

I hate discord with a flaming passion, but I can understand if you want to move posts to discord to prevent grifting which is a big problem on patron.


Oh, I don't really want to move rewards! Right now I think of it as a better place to randomly get in touch with folks. Since even Patreon tries to develop community messaging place righth now.