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It's a "billing post" for April 2023 (including April HD Artpack (031)*)

Hello again! Thank you for your ongoing support! Like I mentioned in earlier messages, I've been very late with March rewards and I'm currently crunching to deliver belated April artworks as soon as possible (first one somewhere after this weekend)!

I hope to finish and send out the April HD Artpacks around the middle of May, and then immediately get to painting the May images!

Thank you for sticking by! I hope to deliver worthy content soon! In the meantime have a fantastic week! 😊


*You'll be eligible to receive the April 2023 Artpack (031), once you're being charged $6+ (you're a Booster Tier Patron) for this billing post (basically for this passing month). Otherwise you'll be able to get it on Gumroad at a later date.
Once the Artpack will be done and sent out, you will be informed about that in a separate patreon post and in a private message, so you wont miss it!
("Billing post" - currently I do one per month. It's an information for the Patreon's system it should mark you for a single charge for the ending month.)


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