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Hello! Thank you for your patience and support! This year's winter seems to be a pretty busy season with IRL errands for me. 😅 However I completed the Artpack at last! Expect a next picture shortly, I's almost finished too! :)

Links to the December 2022 HD Artpack (028) with alternative variants in JPG+PNG has been sent through the patreon private messages*! You should receive the messages soon!

This time the Artpack with all image variants contains 27 PNG + 27 JPG files (990MB)! Enjoy!

Again, thank you for your support, you're great! 🥰

*You were eligible to receive the artpack, if Patreon charged you as a Booster tier patron ($6+) for this post - basically at the end of November/beginning of December.
Artpack will be also available on GUMROAD a bit later in February, if you didn't manage to get it! 😊

If you were charged for December, but rejoined after this message has been posted (due to bank delays etc.), note me to receive the pack!

Have a nice day!

* Remember if I ever won't manage to release artworks within a reasonable time, I'll skip(pause)  the Patreon's charge. I always want to be fair with you and provide good amount of rewards for your support!

(** For clarification, there's no Artpack "November 2022". I skipped that month.)



I love the horse character, Samara and Diane's pics are awesome. Paprika is cute with her christmas outfit. Thank you for your work.